Lyorn Records

Issola, in addition to being an awesome 'ultimate battle' novel, can also be viewed as a love story (in the sense of Agápe  rather than  Éros) between Vlad and Lady Teldra.  They begin as acquaintances with a strong mutual liking (and Teldra refers to herself in the first chapter as 'a friend' of Vlad's), and get progressively more intimate throughout the book, exchanging nervous jokes, pop-culture references, confidences and life histories, trading tips on etiquette and survival, revealing mutual respect and admiration, and culminating in a binding of souls more intimate and permanent than a marriage.  They share a bed for warmth only, at the beginning of the book, but never are lovers.

Vlad's later intimacy with the Issola Sara is a softening of his earlier stance against cross-species relationships, and may be an oblique comment on his missed opportunity with Teldra, or perhaps just her influence on him, helping him see the best in everyone.

Steve R (talk) 20:26, June 11, 2013 (UTC)

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