The following is simply a list of all characters of Dragaera.
Please feel free to create pages (stubby or otherwise) for characters that do not yet have them.
Each entry consists of the character's name, a brief description, and a citation of their first appearance (by publication order) in Dragaera.
Note that citations are in the form of "[Book abbreviation chapter_number:paragraph_number]" Sometimes there is no chapter to refer to, in which case the abbreviation "FM" means "Front matter" (introductions and forewords), "BM" means "Back matter" (epilogues, afterwords, and postscripts), and "I" means "Interlude" (note that interludes are numbered according to the chapter that they follow, not precede).
If there are multiple citations, the first is typically where the character's name is first referred to, the second is where the character actually first appears. In some cases, a character appears well in advance of when we learn their name, in which case the first cite may mark their first appearance, and the second the point at which we learn their name.
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- Abesra -- An Advocate who helped the Ravenwing Players defend against a lawsuit brought by the Lyorn [Lyn 8]
- Abror -- A Jhereg who did protection work for Vlad Taltos [Yen 6:53]
- Acilla -- Mistress of Captain Sheen [BMV 25]
- Adain of Arylle -- A writer and critic who is frequently critical of Paarfi, yet wrote an introduction for one of his works [BMV FM]
- Adham -- A musician who once played with Lady Saruchka[Tia 16]
- Adron e'Kieron -- A Dragonlord, Duke of Eastmanswatch, father of Aliera e'Kieron [Jrg 9:100], [TPG 24:165]
- Aelburr -- A member of Cropper Company [Drg 8:88], [Drg 8:102]
- Aerich -- A Lyorn, aka Temma, Duke of Arylle [TPG 1:10]
- Ahadam of Hoodplain -- An august poet, friend of Paarfi of Roundwood [PoD FM:6]
- Aibynn -- A drummer from Greenaere who liked to hang out with musicians[Phx 3:99]
- Ailib -- A member of the Phoenix Guard [FHA 12:107]
- Aise -- A lady living in Northport [Orc 8:249]
- Aisse -- A Jhereg who works with musicians in Adrilankha [Phx 7:51]
- A'jo -- A Dragon who was a discreet for Zerik II [TPG 21:6]
- Aliera e'Kieron -- A Dragonlord, Countess of Limterak, daughter of Adron e'Kieron [Jrg 4:107], [Jrg 7:21]
- Alishka -- A bandit woman, formerly a Lyorn, in the far north who once aided Magister [BMV 12]
- Allistar -- A Phoenix, brother of Illista [TPG 2:4]
- Ambrus -- A white cat, the familiar of Noish-pa [Tek 4:51]
- Ambrus the Fat -- A cook in Fenario [BP 9:110]
- Amlun -- One of Sara's uncles who died in a fight with Vlad Taltos [Tia 17]
- Amzel -- A Lady of the House of Tiassa related to Daro [PoD 25:59]
- Andler -- A Musician in Aibynn's band [Phx 11:95]
- Andor -- A Prince of Fenario [BP 2:7]
- Ardwena -- A female Iorich who has represented Vlad as an advocate. [Irch 1:174]
- Arra -- A witch from Blackchapel [PoD 2:24]
- Arriskalo -- A notable author of works to be performed [SL BM:90]
- Arylle -- A Dzurlord who settled the Duchy of Arylle [FHA 9:5]
- Askaani -- A Lady, presumably an Orca noble, who was a prospective bride for Yanis [BMV 7]
- Asyavn -- A young Orca urchin and cutpurse [Hwk 4]
- Athek -- A Jhegaala who worked as a fence for jewelry in Adrilankha [Hwk 9]
- Atwater -- A Dragon Duke prior to the Interregnum [FHA 1:87]
- Auntie -- An Easterner and witch who lives in South Adrilankha [Hwk 4]
- Auiri -- A Tiassa female who killed herself with her Issola lover, Chalora [TPG 27:6]
- Avendahar of Westward -- A 14th Cycle artisan who once crafted elaborate bookends for Valenda II [Lyn 3]
- Avin -- A bard who was very popular in Smallcliff [Ath 2:101]
- Avissa - Lord Avissa, an Issola who served as Lady of the Chairs for Zerika the Fourth [Irch 5:65]
- Aworu -- Night watchman at Cryden House, in service to Sudora and Nessit [BMV 2]
- Awtla -- A dog, and a familiar of Brimford [PoD 27:98]
- Aybrahmis - A physicker in the town of Burz who treated Vlad [Jhg 12:78], [Jhg 12:164]
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- Baan -- A member of the Phoenix Guard under Khaavren after the Interregnum [SL 93:66]
- Baaro -- An outlaw living near Bengloarafurd [TPG 22:107]
- Bajföld -- A Fenerian Count who owned stephenite mines [BP I6:2]
- Bajinok -- A Jhereg who worked for Herth [Tek FM:24]
- Baritt -- A powerful Dragonlord who collected morganti weapons [Yen 10:72], [Tlt 13:37]
- Barlen -- A god, one of the Lords of Judgment [Jrg 5:66], [Tlt 13:62]
- Barracsk -- A poet who killed, and was killed by, his chief critic V'rono in a duel [TPG 27:6]
- Bastrai -- A famous violinist who plays in Adrilankha [Dzr 9:58]
- Be'er -- A Jhereg who had a turf war with Fyrnaan outside of Adrilankha [Phx 10:14]
- Bebbyn -- An Athyra who served as Imperial Sorcerer for Zerika the Fourth [SL 73:47]
- Beck -- A Jhereg Lord who was once an Imperial Representative [PoD 14:7]
- Bedra of Ynn -- An historian who was subject of a book critical of Paarfi of Roundwood [FHA FM:5]
- Beed'n -- A composer, known as the Cavalier Minstrel of the early 16th Cycle [TPG 19:27]
- Belith -- A 14th Cycle Lyorn Lady who appeared as a character in Song of the Presses [Lyn 16]
- Bellor -- Countess who was Superintendent of Finance under Tortaalik [FHA 2:66], [FHA 14:42]
- Belly -- An Iorich, and a member of Piro's band [PoD 43:9]
- Bendbrook -- Tiassa Heir prior to the Interregnum who also wrote plays [FHA 2:57]
- Bereth -- A customer of Vlad Taltos who had the bad taste to die while owing him 800 Imperials [tsl 1]
- Berigner -- A general for Sethra Lavode at the Battle of Adrilankha [SL 91:8]
- Berwick - An Orca who conspired against the families of Eremit and Livosha along with Dorin [BMV 1]
- Betraan -- A Dragon of the e'Lanya line, tactician for Kâna [PoD FM]
- Bingia -- A female poet who writes somewhat depressing verse [Tek 3:43]
- Birch -- A Cat-centaur in Mist's tribe [Tlt 9:53]
- Birn e'Drien - An historic Dragonlord female, one of Vlad's past incarnations [Val 6]
- Birther -- A Teckla living in Smallcliff who served as a midwife [Ath 9:60]
- Biska -- A servant of Ficora [BMV 11]
- Black -- A Tsalmoth, founder of The Painted Sign Inn, located in Bengloarafurd [TPG 22:16]
- Blackbird -- A Hawklord who discovered Blackbird Mountain [PoD 22:4]
- Blackpool -- An Athyra Marchioness who provided cooling spells for the Imperial Palace [FHA 1:7]
- Blackvine -- An Athyra Marquis, deceased, uncle of Loraan [LCB 59:28]
- Bless -- A priest in Smallcliff [Ath 3:34], [Ath 8:47]
- Bluedorn -- An author of works on sorcery [LCB 65:32]
- Boarder -- A male Teckla living in Smallcliff [Ath 13:137]
- Bolis -- With Zerran, a book publisher in Adrilankha [PoD FM:8]
- Bolk -- A táltos horse who aided Fenarr and Miklós [BP FM:5]
- Bolla -- One of Caola group of Left Hand sorceresses. She often slept during the day. [Lyn 5]
- Boralinoi -- A Jhereg Council member [Phx 10:34], [Phx 10:107]
- Borteliff -- A Teckla; confidential servant to Lord Khaavren [Tia 12]
- Braidre -- Lady Braidre, author of An Inquiry Into the Nature of Learning which was a formative influence on Magister [BMV 9]
- Brakko -- A handsome Count said to have many women willing to die to protect him [TPG 21:235]
- Brandy -- A Cat-centaur in Mist's tribe [Tlt 9:44]
- Branf -- A taciturn member of the band of highwaymen led by Alishka [BMV 19]
- Brawre -- A general in Kâna's army [LCB 39:96]
- Brestin -- A teacher of sorcery. Tutored Kosadr and Dinaand [Tia 15]
- Briatha -- An Iorich Duchess with her own dungeons [BMV 29]
- Brigitta -- The consort of King Laszlo, and Miklós' lover [BP 2:224]
- Brimford -- An Easterner who is a powerful witch [PoD 27:97]
- Brindlegate -- A lady who founded a university in Candletown [Orc 2:5]
- Brinea -- A Teckla woman (a printer by trade) and leader of a revolutionary group in South Adrilankha [Irch 11:113], [Irch 16:83]
- Brionn -- Dzurlord who discovered Mount Kieron in the fourth cycle [TPG 29:3]
- Bristoe-Camfor -- A Dzur lord who was a member of Third Floor Relic prior to being murdered [Hwk 9]
- Brown -- A Tsalmoth from Bengloarafurd, the son of Black [TPG 22:37]
- Broinn -- An Athyra author who speculated on the nature of the Orb [Phx 6:81]
- Brudik -- The ceremonial name for the Lord of the Chimes [FHA 1:8]
- Bryn - A Teckla from Lockhead who served in the Imperial Army and was present at the Tirma Massacre [Irch 7:1]
- Brythor -- A Dzurlord who was Heir during the 15th cycle [TPG 16:1]
- Burdeen -- A famous physicker during the 17th Teckla Republic [FHA 22:220]
- Burnhold -- The 23rd duchess of Burnhold once protected an important painting from accusations it was offensive [Lyn 8]
- Burrik -- An actor who worked by trying to feel what the character he was playing felt. [Lyn 9]
- Burrin -- An historian interested in the architecture of the Imperial Palace [FHA 27:1]
- Byrna -- A Jhegaala who was slow in paying back his debts. [Tia 2]
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- Caerdwin -- An ancient Vallista Elder Sorcerer who helped Zerika the First create the Orb [BMV 10]
- Caldre -- A server at a small pub just outside of the Palace District with a seagull on its sign. [Lyn 14]
- Calduh -- An historic storyteller [Ath 4:207]
- Caltho -- An Iorich who was assisting Desaniek in the investigation into the Tirma Massacre [Irch 13:1]
- Calvor of Drem -- A Phoenix, a very long-winded poet [FHA 7:190]
- Capstra -- A Lord whom Tortaalik trusted during the scandal of the Three Gibbets [FHA 2:5]
- Carnaro -- Proprieter of The Silver Goblet on Elde Island [LCB 52:7]
- Cariss -- A Jhereg sorceress who aided Mario [FHA 29:192]
- Cartors -- A lierary critic who praised the work of Landza [Lyn I11]
- Carver -- The Vallista architect who designed Castle Black [LCB 65:56]
- Lord Carver -- A rebellious Lord in the Northeast who began a revolt that led to the Tirma Massacre [Irch 11:1]
- Casement -- A Yendi Lady of some influence [PoD 14:9]
- Catchman -- A Lord who built a tower in Dragaera City during the 12th Chreotha Reign [FHA 30:215]
- Cawti -- An Easterner, the Countess of Lostguard Cleft [Jrg 5:23]
- Cecilia -- An Easterner woman living in Blackchapel [PoD 5:3]
- Celani -- A Lyorn who has an encounter with a Dzur [Pfe 1]
- Cellith -- A Hawklord, husband of the Lord Mayor [Tia 14]
- Cenaaft -- An influential Vallista Lord [PoD 14:12]
- Cendra -- A member of the Phoenix Guard under Khaavren after the Interregnum [SL 93:66]
- Cepra -- Lady Cepra, a woman who ran one of Fyres businesses [Orc 2:205]
- Cerill -- A Short-tempered Jhereg money-lender [Yen 6:52]
- Cerulin -- A lord who owns lands near Adrilankha [Dzr 8:214]
- Cerwin - An Iorich female, Baroness of Tebek, mother of Livosha and Kefaan[BMV 1]
- Chainne -- A witch who was a friend of Noish-Pa, skilled in crafting magical artifacts [Lyn 12]
- Chaler -- An Orca who worked as an assassin [FHA 5:15]
- Chalora -- A male Issola who committed suicide due to his love for a Tiassa named Auiri [TPG 27:6]
- Chander -- A former Lyorn Heir who was renowned for being charismatic [Lyn 10]
- Chara -- A female acquaintance of Kessa, possibly his wife [Lyn 6]
- Charlsom - A resident of Whitemill who regulated beer sales [Irch FM:73]
- Chayoor - Leader of the Merchants' Guild in Burz [Jhg 2:129], [Jhg 6:7]
- Ched -- A dishonest Hawklord who once did a favor for Dathaani [Tia 10]
- Chengri -- A commander in Morrolan e'Drien's army at the Battle of Baritt's Tomb [Drg 13:130]
- Cheoru -- Lady Cheoru, A sorceress of the Left Hand who faked an attack by the Jenoine against the Empire for Dathaani [Tia 10]
- Cherova III -- Empress of the seventeenth Athyra Reign [TPG 4:35]
- Chersa -- Chersa of Cuttertown An historian who wrote on the subject of the splintering of the Empire during The Interregnum [BMV 24]
- Chervik -- Duchess of Gillirand, Princess (Heir) of the House of the Tsalmoth during the post-Interregnum period [Tsl 10]
- Chesha -- Chief lieutenant of Terion, prior to his betrayal and death [Hwk 11]
- Chilla -- Chilla Saabo, daughter of Venchel, distant relative of Vlad in Burz [Jhg 15:35]
- Chimov -- A Jhereg who worked for Vlad Taltos [Yen 5:63]
- Chiqwe - An historic Dragon outcast, one of the followers of Dolivar [Val 6]
- Cho -- A member of the band of highwaymen led by Alishka [BMV 19]
- Chuvin -- A renowned sculptor who once possessed the Silver Tiassa [Tia 1]
- Cialdi -- A former police investigator who now serves on the Special Tasks Group [Tia 15]
- Ciatha -- A lady with farmlands near Adrilankha [Dzr 2:29]
- Cichani -- Mercenary killer who attacked the home of Livosha's family, killed by her father [BMV 4]
- Clari -- A Teckla, maidservant for Ibronka [PoD 22:13]
- Claude of Blackchapel -- A male Easterner living in Blackchapel during the Interregnum [PoD 5:34]
- Claude -- An Easterner in South Adrilankha member of the Jhereg Irregulars [Dzr 11:106]
- Claudia -- One of the nieces of Len who works as a waitress in his Klava house [Hwk 3]
- Clawhills -- A Marquis who was killed in a duel with Garland [TPG 21:273]
- Cleff -- Proprietor of Beed'n's Inn [TPG 19:123]
- Cleebers -- C. Sophronia Cleebers; an authority on writing like a Dragaeran author [PoD BM:1]
- Cli'dha -- A cavalry commander who fought on the Pepperfields in the 16th cycle [TPG 29:7]
- Clir -- A Lord who wrote the definitive work on anatomy [FHA 22:220]
- Clostin -- An author of aphorisms who made observations on the relationship of commerce to fine feelings [BMV 25]
- Clover -- A Dragon Baroness in Dragaera City [FHA 19:55]
- Cly!ng Fr'ngtha -- The Serioli who first invented morganti weapons [Iss 2:97]
- Clybur -- Historical figure renowned for reasoning abilities [TPG 16:72]
- Cohra of Lastchance -- A female Hawklord who once aided Uttrik [TPG 18:75]
- Coletti -- An elderly woman who owned a house in South Adrilankha [Dzr 2:88]
- Combrack -- Leader of a mercenary army where Timmer once served [Tia 15]
- Constance -- An Easterner and one-time girlfriend of Vlad Taltos [Tlt 13:57]
- Cook -- A female Teckla working as cook at Whitecrest Manor [PoD 10:6]
- Cor -- Jhereg who worked for Boralinoi [Phx 10:128]
- Coral -- An apprentice in Smallcliff [Ath 1:148], [Ath 2:103]
- Corcor'n -- The king of Greenaere, son of Haro Olithorvold [Phx 4:68], [Phx 15:104]
- Cordiri -- A maker of longswords of good quality before the Interregnum [BMV 14]
- Corniff -- A master winemaker from Ailor who worked for Aerich [PoD 21:21]
- Corpet -- A Lyorn lord during the ninth cycle, helped found the Duchy of Arylle [FHA 9:5]
- Corpet the Younger -- Lord Corpet's daughter, who helped rasie Arylle to a duchy [FHA 9:7]
- Corris -- Jhereg who ran a shereba parlor in Dragaera City [TPG 5:15]
- Corthina Fi Dalcalda -- King of Elde Island [SL 70:1]
- Coru - An elderly Teckla servant to Livosha when she was young[BMV 1]
- Corventra -- A natural philosopher who speculated on the development cycle of jhegaala [Jhg FM2:1]
- Cowler -- A Teckla farmer in Smallcliff [Ath 9:60]
- Cren -- A famous historic Orca Sealord [Orc 9:148]
- Cril -- A guard in Greenaere [Phx 3:166]
- Crinissta -- A Tiassa poet of the 14th Cycle who wrote 'Last Man Printing', a two day play about the supression of the Massacre at West Reach [Lyn 8]
- Crithnak -- A sorceress of the Left Hand of the Jhereg [Dzr 8:18]
- Cropper -- A Dragonlord Captain of Cropper Company [Drg 7:152], [Drg 8:27]
- Cropperwell -- A witty and erudite author and historian [PoD 12:2]
- Crow -- A god, one of the Lords of Judgment [Tek 10:96]
- Crowlin -- An actor at the Tricolor Theater who often took the role of the villain [FHA 7:64]
- Crown -- A Dragonlord and sergeant in Cropper Company [Drg 8:27]
- Cuorfor II -- A Lyorn Emperor who banned a form of Elder Sorcery [FHA 19:3]
- Curithne -- A Jhereg, number one on the Jhereg Council for many years [Dzr 10:40]
- Curry -- A Teckla living in Smallcliff [Ath 4:195]
- Custrin -- An Issola who served Adron e'Kieron at Redface [TPG 24:157]
- Cwelli -- One of the parents of Savn [Ath 15:222]
- Cyl -- Teckla servant of Daro and Khaavren at Whitecrest Manor [Tia 7]
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- Dachfe e'Drien -- Dragonlord who was the Count of Longview county until The Interregnum when his Floating Castle fell to the ground [BMV 19]
- Dahni - A red-haired resident of Burz who worked for Count Saekeresh [Jhg 8:5]
- Daro -- A Tiassa, Countess of Whitecrest [FHA 17:138]
- Daridd of Diar-by-the-Bennaat -- A philosopher and author with whom Pel agrees [TPG 14:13]
- Dathaani -- A member of House Jhereg who undertook a plan to assassinate Vlad [Tia 10]
- Dav-Hoel -- A musician in Aibynn's band [Phx 11:93]
- Daymar -- A Hawk who is very skilled with Psychics [Jrg 3:44], [Jrg 3:78], [Jrg 5:40]
- Daythiefnest -- A member of the Imperial Surveillance Corps [Orc 5:225]
- Dekkaan e'Tenith -- Member of the White Sash Company of the Phoenix Guard [TPG 9:12]
- Deleen -- A Tsalmoth working at the Imperial Library in Adrilankha [Dzr 10:27]
- Delwick -- Imperial Representative from the House of Iorich who once aided Vlad[Irch 2:106], [Irch 3:23]
- The Demon -- A Powerful Jhereg Council member [Jrg 1:37], [Jrg 2:4]
- Demon of Knightsford -- An individual who discussed matters of ethics [FHA 19:51]
- Dentrub -- An historian interested in the architecture of the Imperial Palace [FHA 27:1]
- Deo -- An individual noted for a famous greeting [LCB 42:281]
- Deppi -- Bryn's squad leader in the Imperial Army, was present at the Tirma Massacre [Irch 7:1]
- Deppian -- Chreotha Countess who was an Imperial Representative [PoD 14:7]
- Deraff -- A Dzurlord, deceased, a tactician and second cousin of Tazendra [TPG 24:96]
- Deragar -- A familiar looking Jhereg who worked for Kragar [Hwk 8]
- Desaniek - An Iorich justicer in charge of the investigation of the Tirma Massacre [Irch 6:1], [Irch 13:46]
- Desentin -- aka "Desi". A member of the Left Hand, a relative of Nikka, worked for Lady Caola [Lyn 14]
- Deshinka -- An actor with the Ravenwing Players who played Imperial Guard Number two in Song of the Presses [Lyn 17]
- Devera -- A mysterious young girl, daughter of Aliera e'Kieron [Jrg 5:62] [Yen 7:2]
- Devin -- Author of Trial of the Bell-Ringer [Tia 3]
- Dewers -- Notable author of Tales of the Landlocked Harbor [SL 66:1]
- Diesep -- A Dragon of the e'Lanya line, Marquis of Bothways [TPG 32:6]
- Diess -- A woman with whom Gyorg once desired a relationship [FHA 26:100]
- Dimma -- A Teckla servant of Tortaalik [FHA 6:14], [FHA 8:13]
- Dinaand -- A sorcerer who served with the Special Tasks Group, studied under Brestin [Tia 15]
- Dinb -- An Iorich and Master of the First Gate in the Imperial Palace [FHA 14:20], [FHA 27:6]
- Dinni -- A Jhereg who worked for Kragar [Lyn 9]
- Dion -- A person who ran one of Fyres front-companies [Orc 8:58]
- Director -- The warden of The Burning Island during the time when Eremit was held captive there [BMV 6]
- Disaka -- Sorceress, once paid to help set up Vlad [Hwk 10]
- Discaru - An ersatz Athyra wizard in the employ of Lord Zhayin [Val 2]
- Diyann -- Jhereg Council member who looked harmless to all external appearances [Hwk 15]
- D'nilla -- 'Lady Destonova-Finnila' one of the preeminant sorceresses of the Left Hand [Lyn 11]
- Dofer - A minor Jhereg boss who once employed Kragar and Sticks [Val 5], [Lyn 9]
- Dohert -- Guard of Adron e'Kieron [FHA 21:35]
- Dolivar -- A Dragonlord, brother of Kieron, founder of House Jhereg [Jrg 9:130], [Val 6]
- Domm -- An agent of the Imperial Surveillance Corps [Orc 5:181]
- Donner -- An Easterner who once built a temple to Barlen in South Adrilankha [Dzr 5:87]
- Dor -- A Jhereg, a fence who worked for Stony in Northport [Orc 3:121]
- Dorin -- Count of Westward and justicer in the western extreme of the Dragaeran Empire before The Interregnum [BMV 2]
- Dornin e'Lanya -- A Dragonlord sergeant in the Imperial Army who was present at the Tirma Massacre[Irch 3:2]
- Doro -- A member of the band of highwaymen led by Alishka [BMV 19]
- Doroatya -- A barmaid at Inchay's in Burz [Jhg 1:56], [Jhg 1:147]
- Dortmond -- A Dragonlord who was a member of Cropper Company [Drg 11:66]
- Doscava -- Baron of Raft during The Interregnum who once employed Kelsama as a guard [BMV 27]
- Dosci -- An historic Jhereg who was an enforcer for one of Vlad's prior incarnations [Val 6]
- Dotti -- A librarian in the Imperial Library [Dzr 10:54]
- Dotty -- A young girl, relative to Nikka and Desentin, who was soon to celebrate her 10th name-day [Lyn 14]
- D'rai -- A Jhereg who worked with musicians in Adrilankha [Phx 7:59]
- Dreen -- A thin, shy-looking female Lavode [FHA 30:78]
- Drenta -- A lady who owns land near Adrilankha [Dzr 9:195]
- Drien -- A Dragonlord, who was both a Shaman and a warrior [Iss 9:78]
- Drusk -- A person who famously once received a comment from Vithraw on the matter of a broken bottle [BMV 14]
- Dunaan -- A Jhereg who hired Mario to kill Tortaalik [FHA 5:17]
- Dunn -- A Dragon in Cropper Company [Drg 1:7]
- Dunnclay -- Proprietor of the Deepwell Inn [SL 76:5]
- Duraal -- An officer in the army of Twinoaks during the Carriage House Uprising [TPG 19:57]
- Durabess -- A 14th Cycle female Hawklord speaker who publicly criticized the actions of Valenda II [Lyn 16]
- Duraj e'Kieron -- Historic female Dragonlord, Duchess of Eastmanswatch during the Pioneer Wars [TPG 27:1]
- Durtri -- A sentry in Adron's Breath of Fire Battalion [FHA 10:65]
- Dury -- Uncle of Sara on her mother's side, who twice attacked Vlad [Tia 17]
- Duwani -- A 14th Cycle advocate who defended 'Last Man Standing' against censure by The Empire [Lyn 10]
- Dyfon -- A Teckla farmer who once discovered a nearly-dead Vlad floating in the river [Tia 12]
- Dymbra -- A Vallista Lady of the 7th Cycle who built houses along the sea [BMV 27]
- Dymon -- A Teckla who lived in Smallcliff [Ath 3:33]
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- e'Zisya -- A notable author of works written to be performed [SL BM:90]
- Eaner -- A Princess and Jhegaala Heir during the Interregnum [PoD 14:7]
- Early of Alban -- Scholarly author of Sketches of the Early Eleventh Cycle [SL 80:155]
- Edger -- An historic smith who made daggers, including ones for Kelham [Val 6]
- Eelie -- A prostitute in Burz who was friendly with Zollie [Jhg 7:127], [Jhg 7:145]
- Efrin -- A Teckla who lived in Tirma whose family was killed in the Tirma Massacre [Irch 10:1]
- Eftaan -- A soldier in Adron's Breath of Fire Battalion [FHA 21:35]
- Ekrasan of Sibletown -- An Athyra scholar and playwright of the 11th cycle who wrote Tears of the Heart[FHA FM:1]
- Emeris -- A clerk who worked for Gystralan, he aided Livosha and Kefaan during their escape [BMV 5]
- Endmarch -- A count who built his own private army during the 17th Athyra reign [TPG 16:75]
- Endra -- An Orca, daughter of Fyres [Orc 6:10]
- Enivsca e'Terics -- 13th Cycle female Dragonlord who led a battalion at The Battle of the Cliffs [Lyn 1]
- Enova of Ridge -- Mistress of Tortaalik near the time of Adron's Disaster [FHA 2:5]
- Entoch -- The scribe of Calvor of Drem [FHA 10:166]
- Erbaad -- A member of the Phoenix Guard under Khaavren [Tia 12]
- Eremit -- Eremit of Cryden, a young Iorich who would grow up into an important figure [BMV 1]
- Erna -- Chief of Discretion in Dragaera City [FHA 7:2]
- Ernest -- An Easterner living in South Adrilankha, member of the Jhereg Irregulars [Dzr 9:218], [Dzr 9:219]
- Erik -- A fool of an Easterner living in Blackchapel [PoD 1:12]
- Esteban -- An Easterner and witch in Blackchapel [LCB 58:53]
- Északimező -- A count living in the north of Fenario [BP 2:30]
- Ewisha -- Beloved of Sourwood [BMV 7]
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- Faadra -- An Orca who once owned The Crying Clown before selling it to The Demon [Lyn 5]
- Faarith I -- First Tsalmoth Emperor, began construction on the Imperial Palace [TPG 3:36]
- Fagry -- A member of the band of highwaymen led by Alishka [BMV 19]
- Faloth -- A former assassination victim of Vlad who testified against the Jhereg to the Empire [Hwk 7]
- Fanuial -- Member of the Red Boot Company of the Phoenix Guard [TPG 6:143]
- Fardra e'Barritt - A general in the Imperial Army who was involved with the Tirma Massacre [Irch 5:1]
- Farind -- A male member of the Phoenix Guard who worked with Nill [Tia 12]
- Farthia -- A male Jhereg sorcerer [Hwk 15]
- Fawnd -- A servant of Aerich [FHA 9:10]
- Fayaavik -- A Jhereg who aided Seodra [TPG 20:5]
- Fayavik -- A Jhereg who collected from businesses in South Adrilankha [Dzr 2:70]
- Faymer -- A member of the Ravenwing Players who worked handling the rigging [Lyn 12]
- Fecila III -- Emperor of the 11th Vallista reign [PoD 18:2]
- Feeder -- A Teckla in Smallcliff who helped raise kethna [Ath 4:12]
- Feet -- A Jhereg who worked for Welok the Blade [Yen 2:3], [Tlt 14:89]
- Fekete Szüszí -- A Fenarian author of histories of the Eastern Kingdoms [Drg 3:125]
- Fenarr -- An Easterner, founder of the Kingdom of Fenario [BP FM:1], [TPG 30:149]
- Fentor e'Mondaar -- A Dragonlord who serves Morrolan e'Drien [Jrg 11:92], [Jrg 12:19], [LCB 40:40]
- Feorae -- An influential Dragonlord who collected small objects of jade and silver. [Tia 3]
- Ferenk -- Proprieter of an Inn in Adrilankha [Tlt 2:38]
- Farkosh -- Father Farkosh An easterner who officiated Vlad and Cawtis wedding [Tsl 3]
- Fernbrook -- A Vallista baron and renowned architect that designed the Imperial Palace in Adrilankha [SL FM:22]
- Fernway -- A Baroness who gossiped about Aliera e'Kieron [FHA 6:54]
- Fezor -- An inmate on The Burning Island who once tried to speak with Eremit shortly after his arrival [BMV 6]
- Ficora -- A Noblewoman, relative of Emeris who lived in Candletown. She employed Livosha as a maid after her escape from the forces of Berwick [BMV 5]
- Fidra -- Mercenary killer who led the attack on the home of Livosha's family, killing her mother and sister [BMV 4]
- Filsin -- Owner of a tannery in Adrilankha [Hwk 4]
- Fineol -- A Vallista from Nacine [LCB 37:60]
- Fird -- A Teckla who sold fruit in Smallcliff [Ath 5:150]
- Firi -- A Teckla girl who lives in Smallcliff [Ath 1:10]
- Firrna -- An employee of Northport Private Services Bank who was often ill [Orc 8:249]
- Fisher -- Jhereg who worked for Toronnan [Tsl 2]
- Fith -- A merchant at the Meethra Market in Candletown who often had disputes with Nirin [BMV 11]
- Fittra -- A member of Third Floor Relic who helped investigate the murder of Lord Bristoe-Camfor [Hwk 9]
- Flute -- A Hawk who resigned from the Porker Poker Society because she found the bickering to be disagreeable [PoD 8:1]
- Foolop -- Foolop Saabo, distant relative of Vlad Taltos who worked in the Paper Mill in Burz [Jhg 15:37]
- Fornei -- Mistress Fornei, a female poet [TPG FM:5]
- Fornia -- Dragonlord who provoked a war with Morrolan [Drg 3:63], [Drg 5:107]
- Fourleaguewood -- Baron Fourleaguewood, father of Daro who gave up his title [FHA 21:158]
- Fourpeaks -- A Tiassa Duchess, mother of Amzel [PoD 25:59]
- Frai e'Terics -- Member of the Red Boot Company of the Phoenix Guard [TPG 5:4]
- Francis Donover -- An Easterner in South Adrilankha who had a fruit stand [Dzr 11:109] [Dzr 11:113]
- Franz -- An Easterner who was a member of Kelly's Movement [Tek 1:49], [Tek 11:66]
- Frith -- A Dzur Baroness who employed Jerin after her escape from Cryden House [BMV 14]
- Fucci -- A Jhereg who worked for Kragar [Lyn 9]
- Funnel-head -- A Jhereg who worked for Stony in Northport [Orc 3:133]
- Fwynn -- A powerful warlord with holdings in the Suntra desert during the Interregnum [PoD 11:13]
- Fyhnov -- A Chreotha who once got a loan from Vlad Taltos [Tlt 1:15]
- Fyres -- A powerful (former) Orca businessman [Orc 1:65]
- Fyrnaan -- A Jhereg who had a turf war with Be'er outside of Adrilankha [Phx 10:14]
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- G'aereth -- A Dzur, captain of the Red Boot Company in the Phoenix Guard [TPG 3:48], [TPG 3:56]
- G'mon -- The god of dreams [Ath 10:34]
- G'Wulf -- Historian who wrote Liberty Cove about Pirates in the early 14th cycle [BMV 25]
- Gardimma -- An elderly Athyra who was Kâna's Ambassador to Elde Island [SL 70:5]
- Garland -- A Tsalmoth who was a former advisor to Tortaalik [TPG 21:180], [TPG 21:274]
- Garsery e'Terics -- A Dragonlord, commander of the Songbird River Division of the Imperial Army [Tia 7]
- Gasto A minor Jhereg boss who was a former employer of Deragar [Hwk 9]
- Geb -- A soldier in Adron's Breath of Fire Battalion [FHA 21:35]
- Gellért I -- Former King of Fenario, ancestor of László [BP 2:16]
- Genphala of Mermaid Cove -- A friend of Paarfi of Roundwood [BMV 36]
- Gerand of Kor -- A noble killed in an informal duel with Lord Porishtev [TPG 14:84]
- Gerifin -- A Jhereg who owned the The Stolen Boat [Tsl 2]
- G'hair of Clyferns -- A Teckla, composer of the Nine-Hour Symphony of the Model Sevens [TPG 22:79]
- Gin -- One of Caola's group of Left Hand sorceresses. [Lyn 5]
- Ginaasa -- An actor who lived in Adrilankha who aided Vlad Taltos from time to time
- Glass -- Chief of the Sorett Regiment [FHA 30:6]
- Glowbug -- A Jhereg enforcer who worked for Vlad Taltos [Yen 3:77], [Yen 3:93]
- Golgoril -- A Lord who held his sword raised at the battle of Bendrock Junction [TPG 19:98]
- Goodrow -- An entrepreneur who founded a Psychic messenger service with his niece [SL 72:27]
- Gormin - A former Issola turned Teckla who worked for Lord Zhayin [Val 2]
- G'ranthar -- A Jhereg who once tried to move in on Vlad Taltos' territory [Jrg 1:10]
- Grassfog -- A bandit who was a member of Piro's Band [LCB 43:9]
- Grayswan -- A guard on Greenaere [Phx 3:151]
- Greatworks -- A Dragon Duchess prior to the Interregnum [FHA 1:87]
- Greenbough -- A Jhereg who worked with musicians in Adrilankha [Phx 7:59]
- Gregory -- An Easterner who was a member of Kelly's Movement [Tek 1:14]
- Grita -- Aka Orlaan, a half-breed, daughter of Garland and a sorceress [FHA 5:91]
- Gruff -- A tavern-keeper in Adrilankha [Tlt 10:45]
- Guinn -- An Iorich who was a jailer in the Imperial Prisons [TPG 33:23]
- Gutrin -- Commander of a spear phalanx in Sethra Lavode's army fighting against Fornia [Drg 2:8]
- Gwethurich -- A Marquis, errant lover of Tuorli who composed poems for him [TPG 16:1]
- Gyorg -- A Dzur, and former Captain of the Lavodes [TPG 7:13]
- Gystralan -- Moneylender and advocate who attempted to betray Livosha and her brother Kefaan [BMV 5]
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- Habil -- A female Dragonlord, cousin of Kâna [PoD 3:8]
- Hadrice -- A particularly cunning and ruthless female advisor to Count Dorin [BMV 20]
- Haichfa -- A Tiassa who played the role of Plawtke in the Ravenwing Players production of Song of the Presses [Lyn 9]
- Halfwing -- A Baron with lands on the southwest coast of Dragaera [PoD 9:178]
- Halvar -- A Jhereg boss operating in Adrilankha during The Interregnum [BMV 30], [Lyn 9]
- Handsweight -- A Teckla living in the Duchy of Arylle before the Interregnum [FHA 9:33]
- Hangston -- An Athyra who is a natural philosopher [LCB 35:3]
- Hanna -- Cook for the Count of Mordfal in Fenario [BP 12:70]
- Harbrough -- A banker in Adrilankha who handled anonymous accounts, popular with Jhereg [Irch 14:104]
- Harnwood - An Issola courtier who arranged audiences for Zerika the Fourth in the Imperial Palace[Irch 2:119]
- Harro - An Issola who worked as butler for Lord Zhayin [Val 2]
- Haro -- A servant of Roaanac and Malypon [PoD 15:1]
- Haro Olithorvold -- The former king of Greenaere [Phx 1:124], [Phx 4:15]
- Haskev -- A singer who was a friend of Haichfa, apparently one of some repute. [Lyn 9]
- Havinger -- A banker who invested in Fyres businesses [Orc 12:24]
- Havric -- A Jhereg who worked as an assassin and once attempted to kill Kragar [Hwk 8]
- Haymel -- Deputy of the House of Hawk [FHA 2:59]
- Haysmith -- A Teckla flax-farmer who lived in Smallcliff [Ath 2:101]
- Heffesca of Longlake -- Enchanter renowned for designing unbeatable security spells [Hwk 4]
- Henbrook -- A friend of Hwdf'rjaanci [Orc 8:101]
- Henish -- An individual who refused to testify in the investigation of the Tirma Massacre [Irch 13:1]
- Henrik -- Commander of the army of Fenario [BP 2:61]
- Herth -- Jhereg who ran South Adrilankha [Tek 1:89], [Tek 1:109]
- Heshiva -- 14th Cycle Dragon Princess who ordered an investigation of the Massacre at West Reach [Lyn 16]
- Heth -- A member of the Phoenix Guard [FHA 30:215]
- Hevlika - An Issola Dancer who danced for Lord Zhayin [Val 3]
- Hider -- A Teckla tanner who lived in Smallcliff [Ath 2:6]
- Hidna -- A natural philosopher who speculated on the nature of jhegaala [Jhg FM2:1]
- Highplane -- A wealthy Phoenix Baroness before the Interregnum [FHA 1:189]
- Hippata -- A military leader who battled against Sethra Lavode during the 14th Dragon Reign [Lyn 4]
- Hisincha -- Hawklord, author of 'Empire and the Stage' basis for Linesca's Song of the Presses [Lyn 1]
- Hirtrinkneff -- Assistant of Udaar, working for Kâna [LCB 52:109]
- Hithaguard -- A leader in the Five-Hour Uprising [FHA 31:6]
- Hivisca -- Producer of the original production of 'Last Man Printing' [Lyn 12]
- Hiyechin -- Lord Hiyechin, a Jhereg criminal who masterminded a palm-steel operation [Tia 15]
- H'noc -- Lord Heral-Nocaldi. A Jhereg who ran a brothel in Vlad's area [Yen 4:133]
- Hoarwall -- A rebellious duke who was captured at the Battle of Irontown [FHA 5:9]
- Holdra -- A Baroness who wears very large glasses [PoD 25:1]
- Honlo -- Proprietor of a restaurant near Vlad's area in Malak Circle [Tia 2]
- Hopston -- Lady Hopston. An author of tragedies with an ironic disposition [FHA 18:1]
- Horatha - A driver, servant of Cerwin[BMV 1]
- Horin -- A Jhereg boss who controlled a section of Adrilankha south and a little east of Vlads[Tia 2]
- Hossi e'Lanya - An historic Dragonlord male. Battle companion of Birn [Val 6]
- Hrivan -- An historic sorcerer who was skilled at the spells necessary to allow one to breathe underwater [BMV 10]
- Hub -- An Issola, a servant of Vonnith [Orc 9:13]
- Hunandis -- A Lyorn noble who was the employer of Nothrim at the time she was accused of theft [BMV 8]
- Hunter -- Master Hunter, a philosopher who opined on the nature of endings [FHA BM:60]
- Hurv -- Author of Personal Injury, Public Good a legal textbook concerning personal injury cases [BMV 8]
- Hwdf'rjaanci -- A folk-healer near Northport [Orc 2:12], [Orc 3:32]
- Hydragaar -- An Athyra philosopher who speculated on the nature of true events [TPG 14:11]
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- Ialhar - An Historic Hawklord, sister of Kelham [Val 6]
- Iatha -- A Tsalmoth who was a member of Piro's Band [LCB 43:9]
- Ibrik -- An exceptionally short Tiassa who worked as an actor. Once worked as a double for Vlad Taltos [Lyn 13]
- Ibron -- A Dzurlord (deceased), who was father of Ibronka [PoD 14:88]
- Ibronka -- An Easterner, former girlfriend of Vlad Taltos [Tlt 16:109]
- Ibronka (Dzur) -- A female Dzur, lover of Piro [PoD 14:87], [PoD 22:8]
- Ibronka Taltos -- Vlad Taltos' deceased Grandmother, wife of Noish-pa [Tek 13:35]
- Ilen -- A Magian book reviewer who isn't one of Paarfi's biggest fen [LCB BM:1]
- Ilendra -- A member of the Left Hand who worked for Caola at her home on High Street [Lyn 5]
- Illista -- A Phoenix who betrayed Tortaalik [TPG 2:4], [TPG 11:34]
- Illitra -- A male Jhereg Sorcerer with a personal beef against Radfall [Hwk 15]
- Imry - An Easterner who was an old friend of Noish-pa and let Vlad stay with him [Val 1]
- Inchay - An Innkeeper in the town of Burz [Jhg 1:51], [Jhg 1:89]
- Indus -- An Issola who was Minister of the Houses [Orc 7:127]
- Ingera -- An Athyra lady who was Lord of the Keys for Tortaalik [FHA 6:26]
- Ironhead -- A guard for Lord Berwick [BMV 30]
- Ironn -- Deputy of the House of Orca [FHA 2:61]
- Ishtvan -- A Jhereg assassin who worked both for and against Vlad [Yen 2:73], [Ath 15:256]
- Istamar -- A guard for Lord Berwick [BMV 30]
- István II -- Former Fenarian King who endured a siege [BP 9:13]
- Ithanor -- Lady rumored by some to have delivered the Orb to Zerika the Fourth [LCB 42:277]
- Ivan Sekély -- Witch-Antiquary of the North [SL BM:57]
- Izak -- A general in Kâna's army [LCB 39:94]
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- Jaan -- A Dzurlord, Count of Tree-by-the-Sea, who lived in Dragaera City [FHA 19:61]
- Jaf -- A Teckla soldier who was killed at the start of the Tirma Massacre [Irch 7:1]
- Jaf (servant) -- Servant to one of the prior incarnations of Vlad as a Lyorn [Val 6]
- Jami -- A Teckla living in Mistyvale County [SL 76:6], [SL 76:211]
- Jamiss I -- A Vallista architect who designed the Imperial Palace, and became Emperor [TPG 3:36]
- Janchi - A resident of Burz [Jhg 1:82]
- Jancsi -- An Easterner who sold sausages in South Adrilankha [Dzr 8:178]
- Jani -- An Easterner, a waiter at Valabar's [Dzr FM:156]
- Jani of Fenario -- A historic Fenarian Prince, son of Tividar the Renewer [BP I8:1]
- Jani Taltos -- A Easterner, brother of Noish-pa, great uncle of Vlad Taltos [Tek 13:15]
- Jakoub -- An Easterner who was a leatherworker and cobbler in South Adrilankha [Dzr 2:27]
- Jane -- Little sister of Viasyl [BMV 36]
- Janos -- Former king of Fenario, father of László, Vilmos, Andor and Miklós [BP 2:155]
- Janos the Third -- Former king of Fenario, ancestor of Janos VI and Miklós [BP 2:51]
- János the Fourth -- Former king of Fenario who withstood an invasion, ancestor of Janos VI [BP 9:13]
- Jarad -- Proprietor of a restaurant in Adrilankha [Hwk 13]
- Jeanine -- An Easterner; a onetime steady girlfriend of Vlad Taltos [Tlt 13:57]
- Jengi -- A composer and conductor of symphonic works [Tia 14]
- Jenka -- An Orca, producer for The Ravenwing Players production of Song of the Presses [Lyn 1]
- Jenicor e'Terics -- A female Dragonlord who was fond of Pel [TPG 16:15]
- Jerin -- A young Teckla female who first worked as a groom at Cryden House and then served as lackey for Livosha and Kefaan [BMV 2]
- Jesco -- Propriotor of a restaurant near Malack Circle frequented by Vlad [Hwk 7]
- Jessic -- A man who worked for Lady Cheoru [Tia 10]
- Jessier the Fearful -- Emperor of the fourth Phoenix Reign [TPG 31:183]
- Jggo!f'tha -- A Serioli bone-dancer living in Jawbone Mountain [TPG 21:79]
- Jigrae Lavode -- A famous Lavode from history who was once forced to wade through the Ramshorn Swamp [BMV 29]
- Jima -- An Athyra with knowledge of Elder Sorcery who once aided Kefaan [BMV 22]
- Jinden -- a Jhereg who worked for The Demon who specialized in relaying Psychic messages [Lyn 6]
- Jir -- Mercenary killer who attacked the home of Livosha's family, injured by and killing her father [BMV 4]
- Jiscava -- A member of the band of highwaymen led by Alishka who was unlucky at dice[BMV 19]
- Jorem -- A Dragon and loudmouthed soldier in Kâna's army [PoD 23:52]
- Joroli of Bridden Cove -- A cavalier who drowned after falling from his horse on the Floating Bridge [TPG 27:7]
- Josef -- An Easterner working for the Jhereg in South Adrilankha [Dzr 11:184], [Dzr 12:77]
- József -- Son of Fenarr who became King József I [BP 8:276]
- Juliska -- An Easterner who was a servant in the Old Palace of Fenario [BP 4:142]
- Jurabin -- The Prime Minister for Tortaalik [FHA 1:16]
- Jurg'n e'Tenith -- A Dragonlord who fought in Fornia's army at the Battle of Baritt's Tomb [Drg 10:2]
- Jutatil -- "Lady Jutatil", A famous advocate in the ninth cycle [PoD 22:5]
- Juzai XI -- An Issola Emperor [TPG 27:4]
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- K'laiyer e'Lanya -- Former Dragon Heir, father of Norathar e'Lanya [Yen 10:56]
- K'tang the Hook -- A Jhereg boss who ran the territory later taken over by Welok the Blade [Yen 2:59]
- Kairu -- An historian interested in the architecture of the Imperial Palace [FHA 27:1]
- Kâna -- aka Skinter, A Dragon who tried to re-establish the Empire through military conquest. [PoD 3:4]
- Karaasak -- Historic 14th-cycle actor who played a prominent figure in the play Last Man Printing [Lyn FM]
- Karathis of Nesquin-by-the-Lake - A famous playwright, author of The Three Locks et al [Lyn 9]
- Kari -- A member of the Left Hand who worked for Nikka [Lyn 14]
- Karris -- A Baron during the 11th Issola reign who was interested in birds [PoD 14:1]
- Karoly -- A palace guard in the Old Palace of Fenario [BP 5:156], [BP 11:92]
- Kassier -- A Hawklord who went by the nickname Tuppi and enjoyed wagering on squareball [Tsl 2]
- Kathana e'Marish'Chala -- A Dragon, Baroness of Kaluma, and an artist who killed Uttrik's father [Jrg 11:5], [TPG 25:11]
- Katherine -- A revolutionary Easterner in South Adrilankha [Irch 16:137]
- Keen -- A corporal in the Phoenix Guard [FHA 12:184]
- Keen (Jhereg) -- A Jhereg who ran an illegal operation in Northport during The Interregnum, later working for Eremit [BMV 23]
- Kefaan - Iorich male, Brother of Livosha who along with Eremit helped her seek revenge for their families[BMV 1]
- Kelchor -- God of the Cat-centaurs [Tlt 9:88], [Tlt 14:135]
- Keleth -- A Dzurlord who liked to gamble [Jrg 10:78], [Jrg 10:83]
- Kelham - An Historic Hawklord, one of the prior incarnations of Vlad. Brother of Ialhar [Val 6]
- Kelly -- An Easterner who ran a revolutionary group in South Adrilankha [Tek 1:148]
- Kelsama -- A woman who was wrongfully detained for many years on The Burning Island at the same time as Eremit [BMV 18]
- Kessa -- A Jhereg male, Personal assistant to The Demon [Lyn 6]
- Kesselroi -- Author of Survivors of the Fall, who shares a patron with Paarfi of Roundwood [TPG FM:4]
- Keurana -- A goddess, sister of Verra, one of the Lords of Judgment [PoD 18:12]
- Kevin -- A portly Easterner living in Blackchapel [PoD 7:49]
- Khaavren -- A Tiassa, Captain of the Phoenix Guard, father of Piro [Tek 13:68], [Tek 16:53]
- Kigg -- Ran a restaurant in Vlad Taltos' area in Adrilankha [Tek 7:11]
- Kiera -- A Jhereg and an accomplished thief. [Jrg FM:3], [Jrg 2:89]
- Kieron -- A Dragonlord who helped found the Empire [Jrg 5:62], [Tlt 14:77]
- Kieron the Younger -- Son of Kieron who was Emperor of the second Dragon reign [TPG 3:37]
- King László -- King of Fenario, brother of Miklós, Andor and Vilmos [BP 1:40]
- Kiraamoni e'Baritt -- (aka Karla) A military engineer in Sethra Lavode's army [SL 84:1]
- Kitescu -- A member of the band of highwaymen led by Alishka [BMV 23]
- Kiva VI -- Historical Jhegaala Emperor [TPG 22:13]
- Kivrath -- A weapon-maker who makes solid reliable stilettos, one of two preferred by Vlad Taltos [Tsl 13]
- Kl'burra -- A 15th-cycle Dzur duke who was cousin of Lord Brythor [TPG 16:1]
- Kliburr -- Leader of the Carriage House Uprising [TPG 19:48]
- Klorynderata -- A Teckla who once aided Khaavren [FHA 23:7]
- Kokra -- Proprietor of a drinking establishment in Adrilankha [Tia 11]
- Queen Kolathnë -- Later Baroness Lowtower, ancient ancestor of Count Dorin from the First Cycle [BMV 2]
- Korotta VI -- An historical Emperor [Phx 11:183]
- Kosadr -- An Athyra male who holds the post of Court Wizard for Zerika the Fourth [Tia 7]
- Kota -- A Jhegaala violin player, friend of Sara, who sometimes performed with the Ravenwing Players [Lyn FM]
- Koth -- A Jhereg who once wanted to hire Vlad Taltos [Drg 4:99]
- Kovadre -- A former Lyorn Heir who was renowned for being thoughtful [Lyn 10]
- Krasno -- High-level Jhereg, a member of the Jhereg Council at the time of Hawk [Hwk 8]
- Krestin --A Jhereg who invested in the Ravenwing Players production of Song of the Presses [Lyn 1]
- Krimel -- An Athyra wizard who helped perfect teleportation [LCB 57:89]
- Krisha -- An actress who played a Lyorn in Song of the Presses for the Ravenwing Players [Lyn 16]
- Kuinu -- A lord who was good at phrasing proofs [LCB 42:281]
- Kurich -- A Dragonlord of the e'Tenith line, member of the White Sash Company of the Phoenix Guard [TPG 9:67]
- K'verra e'Tenith -- A Dragon who commented on the relationship between bandits, and inns [TPG 19:29]
- Kragar -- A former Dragon who is now Jhereg, worked for Vlad Taltos [Jrg FM:134], [Jrg 1:5]
- Kyu -- Member of the Phoenix Guard [FHA 12:41]
- Kynn -- A Jhereg enforcer, Vlad's first target [Tlt 10:45], [Tlt 12:64]
- Kytraan -- A Dragonlord, son of Uttrik e'Lanya [PoD 10:35], [PoD 10:71]
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- Laache -- A female Tiassa youth living in Northport [Orc 5:19]
- Lakee -- A Teckla who lived near Smallcliff [Ath 16:71]
- Lahchi - A resident of Burz who was a witch and liked to drink at Inchay's [Jhg 8:107], [Jhg 8:129]
- Lan -- A sevent of Berwick during The Interregnum [BMV 25]
- Lan (of Smallcliff) -- A Teckla living in Smallcliff, apprentice to Piper [Ath 3:44]
- Landza -- An historic author [Lyn FM]
- Lanmarea -- Captain of the White Sash Battalion of the Phoenix Guard [TPG 6:179]
- Lanya e'Kieron -- Dragon Empress in the 4th cycle [TPG 31:152]
- Lar -- Teckla who was Lackey for Piro [PoD 4:60], [PoD 9:76]
- Lara -- A red-headed Easterner living in Blackchapel [PoD 7:49]
- Laral -- A Jhereg who almost killed Khaavren [FHA 5:13]
- Lartol -- A poet who writes verse that is shallow and clever [Tek 3:43]
- Lairon e'N'vaar -- A Dragonlord who used his own axioms [Yen 15:15]
- Laris -- A Jhereg boss who started a war against Vlad Taltos [Jrg 1:69], [Yen 3:23]
- The Last Cough from a Man with Juiner's Lung -- A Serioli living in the Kanefthali Mountains [Drg 7:30]
- Lazzo -- A sergeant in the forces of Kâna under Tsanaali [LCB 44:12]
- Lebouru -- A Sergeant in the White Sash Company of the Phoenix Guard [TPG 31:108]
- Leen -- An Orca who tried to kill Khaavren [FHA 3:46], [FHA 5:26]
- Leen of Northport -- An Orca clerk who ran one of Fyres businesses [Orc 2:187]
- Leevi -- A street vendor in Adrilankha who makes good fried breaded-rockfish [Tsl 9]
- Leffero -- A launderer and tailor in Malak Circle in Adrilankha [Tek FM:50]
- Lefforo -- A Jhereg who worked for Welok the Blade [Tlt 10:37]
- Leggy -- A bookie who accepted wagers on sports and prop bets at the Dancing Biscuit near Malak Circle in Adrilankha [Tsl 2], [Lyn 6]
- Lem -- A Teckla living in Smallcliff [Ath 10:147]
- Len -- Easterner who is proprietor of a Klava house called "Len and Nieces" in South Adrilankha [Hwk 3]
- Leonyar -- Jhereg, victim of Vlad Taltos [Jrg 1:65]
- Leroni -- A scholar who studied and documented facts about jhegaala [Jhg FM2:2]
- Lesika -- Member of the Left Hand, boss of Nikka, who had a rivalry with Caola [Lyn 5]
- Lessor -- A tin- and bronze-smith in Adrilankha [SL 73:12]
- Lethria -- Mistress Lethria, an historian of ancient architecture [TPG 3:39]
- Levhas -- Lord Levhas, noted musician and composer [Tia 13]
- Lewchin -- An Issola, life-partner of Shant [PoD 8:3]
- Liam -- A revolutionary Easterner in South Adrilankha [Irch 16:137]
- Liban -- Former constable at Cryden House, man at arms for Nessit and Sudora [BMV 2]
- Limper - An elderly woman who worked in the Imperial Prison in the Iorich Wing [Irch 3:99]
- Linesca -- Author of Song of the Presses a play about a production of 'Last Man Printing' critical of Emperor Valenda II[Lyn FM]
- Liniace -- A member of the band of highwaymen led by Alishka [BMV 19]
- Liscreta -- A harpist who once played with Dinaand [Tia 16]
- Liseter -- Court scribe of Tortaalik [FHA 28:6]
- Lishni -- Inventor of the fire-ram [Drg 2:69]
- Liska -- An elderly female Tsalmoth who ran a small hardware store in Adrilankha [Irch 15:141]
- Lissa -- A Dragon Heir during the 13th Cycle who rewarded Envisca e'Terics after The Battle of the Cliffs [Lyn 1]
- Litra -- Thief specializing in defeating security enchantments [Hwk 4]
- Livosha - An Iorich female, betrothed of Eremit, who attempted to rescue him from The Burning Island[BMV 1]
- Loch -- A Teckla living in the Duchy of Arylle before the Interregnum [FHA 9:33]
- Lockfree -- A rebellious Baroness who lived during the ninth cycle [FHA 9:7]
- Loftis -- Dragon of the e'Drien line, member of the Special Tasks Group [Orc 5:159]
- Loghram -- Duke of Loghram, target of an investigation by Palaniss, had his own spy ring in the Imperial Palace [Tia 15]
- Loini - A Lyorn princess of the Sixth Cycle [Val 6]
- Loiosh -- A wise-cracking jhereg, the familiar of Vlad Taltos [Jrg FM:98], [Jrg FM:139]
- Lokran -- A Dragon Baron, of the e'Terics line [Drg 1:32], [Drg 1:54]
- Lonerock -- A Dragon Duke, prior to the Interregnum [FHA 1:87]
- Lonora -- A female Creotha, also called 'Loni'. Member of the Ravenwing Players involved making sets. [Lyn 3]
- Lookfor -- Duke who both founded and commanded the Lookfor cavalry brigade [FHA 30:6]
- Loraan -- An especially nasty undead Athyra wizard [Tlt 3:115], [Tlt 5:79]
- Lord Deppian -- Chreotha Count, husband of Countess Deppian [PoD 14:9]
- Lord Dunn -- A lord whose vassals make fine cheese [FHA 22:71]
- Lord of Snails -- A lord who made observations about the difference between forts and fortresses [TPG 3:37]
- Lorr -- A Teckla from Bigcliff [Ath 10:88]
- Lothinor Duke of Needle-at-the-Top who built an elaborate carriage [TPG 2:1]
- Lotro -- A poet who was a subject in several works critical of Paarfi of Roundwood [FHA FM:5]
- Lova -- A Teckla girl who lives in Smallcliff [Ath 2:94]
- Lovi -- A young male pastry vendor who knew Nikka [Lyn 14]
- Loudin -- A Phoenix who was Heir, mother of Zerika [Tlt 14:35]
- Lucia of North Leatherleaf -- Publisher of Glorious Mountain Press [PoD FM:18]
- Luin -- Playwright, author of the farcical murder drama Who Dropped Her First? [FHA 17:133]
- Lukka -- Someone assisting Desaniek in the investigation of the Tirma Massacre [Irch 6:1]
- Lyndra -- An Athyra sorceress who worked for Feorae [Tia 8]
- Lysek -- A Jhegaala who was responsible for cleaning actors' shoes [FHA 7:2]
- Lytra e'Tenith -- A female Dragonlord Warlord under Tortaalik, later executed [TPG 6:116], [TPG 13:2]
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- Maalics e'Kieron -- Dragonlord who conquered Redface in the fifth cycle [TPG 24:1]
- Machan -- A Jhereg who worked as a moneylender for Vlad Taltos [Tlt 1:15]
- Macham -- A Jhereg who ran a business establishment in Vlad Taltos' territory [Tlt 1:18]
- Macska -- A pretty Teckla servant to Shant and Lewchin [SL 75:99]
- Mafenyi -- A Godess who created The Silver Tiassa [Tia 1]
- Mahket -- A Jhereg assassin who hunted down Vlad Taltos in Burz [Jhg 13:17]
- Mahri -- Hostess of The Cellar Mouse Inn in Burz, makes the best Pig Eatin's in Fenario [Jhg 9:235], [Jhg 10:18]
- Maid -- A female Teckla working as a maid at Whitecrest Manor [PoD 10:12]
- Magister -- An inmate on The Burning Island who aided Eremit during his captivity [BMV 6]
- Magra e'Lanya -- A sergeant under Ryunac e'Terics in the army of Kâna [PoD 26:136]
- Malypon -- A Tiassa and wife of Roaanac [PoD 15:12]
- Mar -- An ancient Chreotha Elder Sorcerer who helped Zerika the First create the Orb [BMV 10]
- Mara -- an Easterner who went out with Vlad Taltos [Tlt 13:113]
- Marel -- A Tsalmoth, proprietor of a store catering to norska trappers and highwaymen [SL 90:4]
- Margit -- A historic Fenarian woman who was once courted by Jani [BP I8:1]
- Maria Parachezk -- A writer who documented the Revolt of 244 [Phx 13:54]
- Mario Greymist -- A Jhereg assassin, the best there is [Jrg 2:36], [FHA 19:80]
- Marish'Chala -- Dragonlord who was Warlord under Lanya e'Kieron [TPG 12:83]
- Marishka Merss Taltos - Mother of Vlad Taltos (deceased) [Jhg FM:23]
- Mariska -- Fianceé of King László [BP 4:94], [BP 4:152]
- Markon e'Lanya -- Dragonlord who was Warlord during the ninth Issola reign [FHA 24:180]
- Marquana -- An Athyra who went to Southmoor on Imperial business [Iss 1:166]
- Marquis of Mistyvale -- A powerful Athyra Wizard with great influence in his house [PoD 14:14]
- Marquis of Pepperfield -- Dragon of the e'Lanya line, father of Uttrik; an art critic [TPG 11:181]
- Marra -- An ensign in the forces of Kâna under Tsanaali [LCB 44:6]
- Marsko -- A member of the Ravenwing Players who portrayed Lethra Savode in their latest production [Lyn FM]
- Marya -- A member of Morrolan's Circle of Witches in Blackchapel [PoD 6:21]
- Master Wag -- A Teckla physicker in Smallcliff [Ath 1:9], [Ath 2:11]
- Máté -- A servant in Fenario [BP 9:108]
- Matiess -- A Tsalmoth, brother of Bereth who Vlad tried to collect from when Bereth died owing money [Tsl 1], [Tsl 8]
- Matyawsh -- Old Matyawsh. Great-grandfather of Vlad Taltos in Burz who changed the family name [Jhg 15:135]
- Meehayi - A young, strong lad in the town of Burz who helped Vlad [Jhg 13:174]
- Melestav -- A Jhereg who was a receptionist for Vlad Taltos [Jrg 4:1], [Yen 1:84]
- Mellar -- A crossbreed and former Jhereg Council member [Jrg 2:50], [Jrg 11:33]
- Menia -- A member of the Phoenix Guard [FHA 8:23]
- Menlo -- Easterner who ran a restaurant in Adrilankha that he purchased from a young Vlad Taltos [Tsl 9]
- Menthar -- A member of the Phoenix Guard who beat up Vlad Taltos [Yen 9:90]
- Mentra -- A one-time director at the Sandstone Theater who had odd theories about rehearsal planning [Lyn 6]
- Merith -- Teckla maidservant to D'nilla [Lyn 12]
- Mertun -- Proprietor of Mertun's Fine Wine Sampling House [Hwk 6]
- The Messenger -- An extremely unimportant fellow who once carried a message to the Imperial Palace regarding Vlad[Tia 12]
- Mialand -- A female Lyorn, former member of the Porker Poker Society [PoD 8:1]
- Mica -- A Teckla who was lackey for Tazendra [TPG 19:85], [TPG 19:115]
- Miera -- A Dragonlord, mother of Norathar e'Lanya [Yen 10:56]
- Miersen - Playwright, Six Parts Water [Jhg P:1]
- Mifaant - An Issola. A Lady in Zerika's court who is a confidant of the Empress [Irch 5:10]
- Mihi -- An Easterner, a waiter at Valabar's [Dzr FM:7]
- Miki -- Miki Saabo, distant relative of Vlad Taltos in Burz [Jhg 14:104]
- Miklós -- Prince of Fenario, brother of László, Andor and Vilmos [BP 1:3]
- Mikric -- A lord who commented on the Five Hour Uprising [FHA 31:15]
- Mill -- A commander in the army of Morrolan e'Drien during the Battle of Baritt's Tomb [Drg 11:99]
- Miraf'n -- A Jhereg enforcer who betrayed Vlad Taltos [Yen 3:77], [Yen 3:110]
- Miska -- A long-lived Easterner from Fenario who is a coachman [BP 4:150], [BP 5:13]
- Mist -- A Cat-centaur who was chief of her tribe on the Forever Plains [Tlt 9:43]
- Mitra -- One of Caola group of Left Hand sorceresses. She liked to drink oishka. [Lyn 5]
- Mockman -- A Jhereg who worked for Stony in Northport [Orc 3:133]
- Molly -- An Easterner, a storeowner in South Adrilankha [Tek 9:11]
- Molric e'Drien -- A Dragonlord, Chainman for Adron e'Kieron, brother of Morrolan [FHA 10:47]
- Monika -- An Easterner of royal blood in Fenario, mother of Viktor [BP 8:252]
- Lady Monthrell -- An Issola critic who considered Paarfi of Roundwood to be 'not very nice'. [BMV FM]
- Montorri -- An Orca, nephew of the owner of The Ravenwing Players and lead in their latest production [Lyn FM]
- Mora -- A female Dragon in Cropper Company, color bearer [Drg 16:122]
- Mora the Bandit -- A member of Wadre's band, and his chief lieutenant [PoD 16:119]
- Moranthe -- A goddess, sister of Verra, one of the Lords of Judgment [PoD 18:12]
- Mordfal -- A Count from south-eastern Fenario, father of Mariska [BP 2:84], [BP 4:151]
- Moriv -- A female Justicer who was scheduled to hear the case against Aliera e'Kieron on the charge of use of Elder Sorcery [Irch 15:192]
- Moriva -- Mercenary killer who attacked the home of Livosha's family, injured by and killing her father [BMV 4]
- Morrolan e'Drien -- A Dragonlord, Duke of Southmoor and the Lord of Castle Black [Jrg 1:19], [Jrg 7:11]
- Mózes -- A historic Fenarian commoner who married Rózsa and became King [BP I2:1]
- Lady Mundra - An Historic Hawk Countess who was leige to Kelham and Ialhar [Val 6]
- Munnis -- An author of historical romances [Drg 5:59]
- Muranda -- An Issola rebel late in the 3rd cycle [TPG 31:152]
- Murit -- An Athyra female, who sometimes works as Side Four for the Ravenwing Players [Lyn 7]
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- N'aal -- A Jhereg enforcer who worked for Vlad Taltos [Yen 2:89]
- Naabrin -- A member of the Phoenix Guard [FHA 10:11]
- Napper -- A Dragonlord who was a member of Cropper Company [Drg 3:3], [Drg 8:50]
- Narf -- A Dragonlord of the e'Terics line, brother of Nilk [TPG 30:2]
- Naro -- A goddess, called "The Lady Who Sleeps" [Ath 5:136]
- Narvane -- A Jhereg enforcer and sorcerer who worked for Vlad Taltos [Yen 3:77], [Yen 3:106]
- Natalia -- An Easterner who was a member of Kelly's Movement [Tek 1:148]
- Nath -- A Jhereg who worked for Herth [Tek 4:179], [Tek 5:8]
- Navier -- Physicker for Tortaalik [FHA 1:194]
- The Necromancer -- An undead Demon, friend of Sethra Lavode [Jrg 11:12]
- Nedev -- (Former) owner of a jade Phoenix by Nescaffi [Hwk 4]
- Needles -- A Teckla woman who lived near Smallcliff [Ath 21:21]
- Neera e'Lanya -- A female Dragonlord who was a member of Cropper Company [Drg 11:76]
- Neering -- Lord Neering, an historic author who wrote regarding the history of Northport [Lyn FM]
- Neevya -- A famous advocate of the ninth cycle [PoD 22:5]
- Neeyali -- Former Baron in Fenario near Burz, overthrown by Old Saekeresh around 165 PI [Jhg 14:84]
- Nef -- A member of the band of highwaymen led by Alishka [BMV 19]
- Neffra -- An Adept in Sethra Lavode's Communication Corps [SL 91:11]
- Neftha -- A lady, and actress at the Tricolor Theater who often played the villain [FHA 7:64]
- Neloy -- Lady Neloy, an author of fables [FHA 18:2]
- Nelshet -- A master sword-maker from Krethtown [LCB 2:123]
- Neorenti -- A Lyorn countess who helped run a genetic scan of Norathar e'Lanya [Yen 12:119]
- Nephital -- A Jhereg who did protection work for Vlad Taltos [Yen 6:53]
- Neritha -- A tag who once worked at one of Vlad's brothels under H'noc [Tia 3]
- Nerulan -- The personal physicker of Zerika [Irch 5:16]
- Nescaffi -- Sculptor, specializing in jade statuary [Hwk 4]
- Nesci -- A Jhereg who worked for Kragar as protection[Hwk 11]
- Nessa of Kobi -- Historical figure who met with Ricci of Longgarden [PoD 14:1]
- Nessit - An Iorich from before The Interregnum, father of Eremit[BMV 1]
- Nethrond -- A Jhegaala who once ran The Blue Flame [Jrg 8:120]
- Nett -- A female Lavode who wished to aid Tortaalik [FHA 30:90]
- Newell -- An ancient and stooped Iorich Lord of some importance [PoD 14:6]
- Newhouse -- A Dragon Baroness [FHA 19:56]
- Nialda -- An historic Dzurlord who who the Heir during the 14th Lyorn Reign. [Lyn 3]
- Nicessa -- Queen of Elde Island during the early 14th Cycle. [Lyn 4]
- Nicha -- A revolutionary Easterner in South Adrilankha [Irch 16:136]
- Nickolas -- An Easterner who was leatherworker living in South Adrilankha [Dzr 2:29]
- Niefivre -- A Baron who fought against the Empire in the Littleshell War [PoD 19:28]
- Nielar -- A Jhereg who was Vlad Taltos' first boss [Jrg FM:113]
- Nikka -- A Jhereg sorceress, member of the Left Hand. Is friendly with Deragar. [Lyn 3]
- Nill -- A female member of the Phoenix Guard who worked with Farind[Tia 12]
- Nilla e'Lanya -- A Dragonlord who was Warlord during the sixth Phoenix reign [FHA 8:38]
- Nilk -- A Dragonlord of the e'Terics line, sister of Narf [TPG 30:2]
- Ninehills -- Prince, and Tsalmoth Heir pror to the Interregnum [FHA 2:81]
- Nira - Older sister of Livosha and Kefaan, killed during the attack on Livosha's family estate[BMV 1]
- Nirin -- An argumentative merchant at the Meethra Market in Candletown who often quarrled with Fith [BMV 11]
- Nisasta -- A sorceress in the Left Hand of the Jhereg [Dzr 16:196]
- Niscan - A Jhereg who ate frequently at The Punctured Jug when many people wanted him dead [Irch 5:254]
- Noarwa e'Tenith -- A Dragon who set out to trap the Blue Fox [SL 79:19], [SL 79:168]
- Noffin -- A guard for Berwick promoted to sergeant after the death of Fidra [BMV 30]
- Noima -- A Phoenix, the consort of Tortaalik [FHA 2:81]
- Father Noij - Priest of Verra in the village of Burz [Jhg 4:57], [Jhg 4:80]
- Noish-pa -- An Easterner, a witch, and the grandfather of Vlad Taltos [Jrg FM:28], [Yen 17:74]
- Nolanthe -- A wealthy Countess of the House of Phoenix prior to the Interregnum [FHA 1:189]
- Noli -- Teckla servant of Daro and Khaavren at Whitecrest Manor [Tia 8]
- Norathar e'Lanya -- A Dragon, the Sword of the Jhereg and later Empress [Jrg 6:23], [Yen 6:158]
- Norathar the Sorcerer -- A Dragonlord who was Court Wizard during the 17th Dragon reign [FHA 34:13]
- Norissa -- A Tiassa, sister of Daro, wife of Shalicar [PoD 15:75]
- Norra -- A critic who witnessed the duel between Barracsk and V'rono [TPG 27:6]
- Nosaj -- A Pirate captain operating out of Far Harbor known as Tooth [BMV 25]}
- Nothrim -- Lady Nothrim, a Countess of the House of the Hawk who was once accused of theft [BMV 8]
- Nurik -- A political figure who was putting pressure on Desaniek over the investigation of the Tirma Massacre [Irch 6:1]
- Nurtria -- An employee of Northport Private Services Bank who was rude to customers [Orc 8:249]
- Nusir -- A weapon-maker who makes good-quality stilettos, one of two such makers preferred by Vlad Taltos [Tsl 13]
- Nuvin -- A Teckla who helped shelter livestock during the Tirma Massacre [Irch 10:1]
- N'vaan -- A Jhereg who worked for Boralinoi [Phx 10:128]
- Nyeftha A former Lyorn Heir who was renowned for being a great fighter [Lyn 10]
- Nyier -- An assistant leatherworker [Hwk ?]
- Nyla -- A member of the Phoenix Guard under Khaavren after The Interregnum [SL 93:66]
- Nylanth -- A member of the Jhereg Council in charge of shipping operations [Dzr 16:94]
- Nyleth -- Court Wizard under Tortaalik [FHA 2:66], [FHA 30:7]
- Nyleth (Orca) -- An Orca Assassin working for Berwick who dressed as an Issola and was killed by Livosha [BMV 14]
- Nyssa -- A goddess who appears as a dark shadow; one of the Lords of Judgment [Iss 15:66], Template:PoD
- Nywak -- Servant of Illista [LCB 52:107]
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- Odelpho - Nursemaid to the son (and later daughter) of Lord Zhayin [Val ?]
- Olani -- One of the parents of Savn [Ath 15:222]
- Old Saekeresh -- Former Count near Burz in Fenario, grandfather of Veodric [Jhg 14:72]
- Onarr -- A master swordsman who trained Mellar [Jrg 14:159]
- Oidwa -- A Tsalmoth sorcerer; possibly the first to use sorcery after the Orb's return [LCB 46:87]
- Omlo -- A young Chreotha who works for Vlad as a tag at the Couches and assists in the Hamper Load con [Tia 3]
- Oraani -- Commander of infantry in the Imperial Army under Rollondar e'Drien [FHA 32:58]
- Ordwynac -- A god, one of the Lords of Judgment [Iss 15:29], [PoD 18:12]
- Orbahn - Barash Orbahn, a notable merchant and witch, in Burz [Jhg 1:103]
- Ori -- A Dragonlord and sorcerer who worked for Fornia [Drg 4:15]
- Ori of Smallcliff -- An especially handsome Teckla youth in Smallcliff [Ath 1:9]
- Orile - Teckla servant of Daro and Khaavren at Whitecrest Manor [Tia 7]
- Orlith -- A Jhereg who lived in Northport during The Interregnum and dealt with pirates [BMV 23]
- Orthon the Eldest -- A critic who was extremely disdainful of The Phoenix Guards and other works by Paarfi of Roundwood [BMV FM]
- Oscaani - Author Fauna of the Middle South: A Brief Survey [Jhg FM:3]
- Oscar -- An Easterner in the music business in Adrilankha [Phx 7:61]
- Osivra -- A Jhereg who ran a gambling operation for Vlad on Garshos Street [Tsl 3]
- Otria e'Terics - A Lady of the House of Dragon who helped investigate the Tirma Massacre [Irch 4:1]
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- Paarfi of Hovaal -- A Hawklord, head of Sethra Lavode's communication corps [SL 88:33]
- Paarfi of Roundwood -- A Hawklord, author of "historical" works [Phx 1:164]
- Palaniss -- A youthful female member of the Special Tasks Group who was trusted by Lady Vilnai [Tia 15]
- Paluva -- Count of Cloverhill, who was lucky at cards [TPG 8:1]
- Paquitin -- A Jhereg low-level boss who ran an area next to Vlad's near Malak Circle [Tsl 3]
- Parachai -- Countess of Sliptower, patron of Paarfi of Roundwood [TPG FM:4]
- Paresh -- A Teckla who was a member of Kelly's Movement [Tek 1:148]
- Pashiva -- An author who expanded upon the works of Ekrasan regarding the laws of literature [BMV 30]
- Payor -- "Madam Payor", a novelist who writes delightful romances [PoD 12:3]
- Peitro -- A wealthy Easterner who lived in Blackchapel [SL 85:36]
- Pel -- A Yendi, the Duke of Galstan; friend of Khaavren, Aerich and Tazendra [TPG 3:22]
- Perisil - An Iorich advocate who represented Aliera e'Kieron [Irch 2:8]
- Perista -- A Lady who tutored young Eremit in geometry [BMV 9]
- Péter -- An old Fenarian mine-worker [BP I6:1]
- Petrov -- An Easterner who sold bread in South Adrilankha [Dzr 11:111]
- Phent -- A Jhereg who worked with musicians in Adrilankha [Phx 7:55]
- Pietra -- An Easterner woman who catered the wedding feast for Vlad Taltos and Cawti [Tsl 14]
- Pilmasca the Explorer -- Legenedary, possibly fictional, explorer who discovered cocoa beans [Hwk 12]
- Pindua -- An artist who made psiprints. Once possessed a Silver Tiassa [Tia 1]
- Pins -- Head costumer of the Ravenwing Players during their production of Song of the Presses[Lyn 13]
- Piper -- A Teckla craftsman in Smallcliff[Ath 3:44]
- Piro -- A Tiassa, Viscount of Adrilankha, son of Khaavren and Daro [PoD 8:2]
- Pista -- A Fenarian who liked to drink and tell stories [BP I8:14]
- Pishta Taltos -- An Easterner, father of Vlad, son of Noish-pa [Jrg FM:15], [Jhg FM:23]
- Pitra -- A sculptor of great renown who had works displayed in the Imperial Palace [FHA 28:81]
- Plaster -- A Teckla craftsman living in Smallcliff [Ath 8:125]
- Plawtke -- Nestron of Plawtacre a Chreotha journalist who wrote about the Massacre at West Reach [Lyn 6]
- Plofer - A legal author who wrote the work Case Studies in Entitlement Conflicts Among the Great Houses [BMV 1]
- Plumtree -- A leader in the Five-Hour Uprising [FHA 31:6]
- Poletra -- A powerful Jhereg, member of the Jhereg Council [Dzr 10:53]
- Polyi -- Polinice, A Teckla girl, sister of Savn [Ath 1:1]
- Poncer - A Teckla who worked as a messenger in the Imperial Palace [Irch 4:210]
- Ponfir -- Lady Ponfir, A skilled sorceress who specialized in spells of magnification [BMV 16]
- Poorborn -- A Marcioness who aided Paarfi of Rounwood [BMV 35]
- Porishtev -- A Lord who sometimes fights duels without all the formalities [TPG 14:84]
- Portsfree -- A Lyorn Baron who is a cartographer [TPG 17:96]
- Pots -- A Teckla potter in Smallcliff [Ath 2:6]
- Potter -- Mistress Potter, owner of a boat in Wetrock who aided the escape of Jerin from Cryden House [BMV 14]
- Praxitt -- A female Chreotha, director of Song of the Presses for the Ravenwing Players [Lyn 1]
- Preft -- Lady Preft, A patron of Northport Private Services Bank [Orc 8:208]
- Pronfir -- Duchess who was Trustee of Shipping prior to the Interregnum [FHA 2:66]
- Pushtagrae -- A Lyorn who speculated on the nature of Deathgate Falls [LCB 1:3]
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- Quanoth -- A Jhereg Duke who was the superior of Keen during The Interregnum [BMV 23]
- Quaysh -- A Jhereg assassin who tried to kill Vlad Taltos [Tek 9:92], [Tek 12:17]
- Quion -- A Jhereg who once worked for Vlad Taltos [Tlt 1:18]
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- Raafla -- An enforcer who worked for Stony in Northport [Orc 14:8]
- Raanev -- Lord Raanev; Personal secretary to the Captain of the Phoenix Guard [Tia 12]
- Radfall -- A Left Hand sorceress with a beef against Illitra [Hwk 15]
- Raf -- A Teckla pastry vendor in Dragaera City [FHA 3:2]
- Ragboy -- An elderly Chreotha who worked for the Ravenwing Players. Ragboy was his position-his actual name is not known. [Lyn FM], [Lyn 2]
- Rahera -- A poet who wrote epic poetry on the subject of revenge [BMV 27]
- Raiet -- A Jhereg who testified to the Empire [Tlt 14:60]
- Ramon -- An Easterner in the music business in Adrilankha [Phx 7:61]
- Rascha -- A female Dragonlord; corporal in Cropper Company [Drg 8:66]
- Redgrew -- Famed Athyra poet of the Ninth Cycle [SL 78:2]
- Reega -- An Orca conspirator, daughter of Fyres [Orc 6:10], [Orc 6:60]
- Reins -- A Teckla cart-driver who once helped Vlad Taltos [Tlt 5:10], [Ath 2:25]
- Rekov -- Member of the White Sash Company of the Phoenix Guard [TPG 9:90]
- Rendra -- Imperial Physicker sent by Tortaalik to Elde Island [SL 70:2]
- Rennis -- An Orca who did business with pirates near Adrilankha during The Interregnum [BMV 22]
- Renorr -- A cheery Jhereg thief who became a cleaner for Vlad Taltos [Yen 6:130]
- Rezso -- An advisor to King László of Fenario [BP 2:22]
- Rezza -- A female Tiassa who worked as a musical director for the Ravenwing Players [Lyn 6]
- Ricard -- An Easterner living in South Adrilankha, musician, friend of Vlad Taltos [Dzr 9:32], [Dzr 9:45]
- Ricardo -- An Easterner working in a Library at the Imperial Palace [TPG 12:5]
- Ricardo of Blackchapel -- A member of Morrolan's Circle of Witches in Blackchapel [PoD 6:21]
- Ricci of Longgarden -- A historical figure who met with Nessa of Kobi [PoD 14:1]
- Richor of Mountcalm -- A scholar who studied aspects of Elder Sorcery [FHA 17:2]
- Riffetra -- aka "Riff". Owner of a house near to the family of Livosha, who helped her and Kefaan escape [BMV 4]
- Ritsak -- A Lyorn who was Heir during the Interregnum [PoD 14:30]
- Ritt -- A bandit in Wadre's Band [LCB 43:9]
- Ritt (Jhereg) -- An enforcer who worked for Vlad Taltos around the time of his wedding [Tsl 9]
- Roaana -- A Tiassa, daughter of Roaanac, friend of Piro and Ibronka [PoD 15:7]
- Roaanac -- An important Tiassa nobleman, father of Roaana [PoD 14:7]
- Rockway -- A count who fought against the Empire before the Interregnum [LCB 36:127]
- Rocza -- A wild jhereg who aided Vlad Taltos and became Loiosh's mate [Jrg 17:132], [Jrg BM:55]
- Rodwik - An Historic Hawklord, uncle and adversary of Lady Mundra [Val 6]
- Roila -- A Lavode who led the attack on Adron e'Kieron's forces [FHA 30:83]
- Rolaan -- A Jhereg Boss who fought against Welok the Blade [Yen 2:3]
- Rollondar e'Drien -- A Dragonlord, Warlord under Tortaalik, Morrolan's father [FHA 3:37], [FHA 4:23]
- Rothra - An historic Dragon outcast, one of the followers of Dolivar [Val 6]
- Rózsa -- A historic princess of Fenario who married Mózes [BP I2:9]
- Rusco -- An artist who exhibited psiprints, known for taking chances, even if the results might sometimes be disappointing [Hwk 15]
- Ruthkor -- A sword-maker whose business failed [LCB 43:148]
- Rynend -- A Jhereg once tasked by the Council to kill Vlad [Tia 9]
- Ryunac e'Terics -- A lieutenant in Kâna's army [PoD 26:136]
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- Saabo - Old Saabo A distant relative of Vlad who lived in Burz around 165 PI [Jhg 14:92]
- Saakrew -- An officer in Kâna's army [LCB 54:3]
- Sahomi -- A Long-haired Dragonlord, member of the Phoenix Guard who once worked in South Adrilankha [Tia 8]
- Sajen -- A Chreotha who lived in Candletown. He forged the documents that aided Berwick in seizing the lands of Livosha's parents [BMV 14]
- Sandlewood -- A Vallista architect who worked on the Imperial Palace in Adrilanklha [SL FM:22]
- Sándor -- The royal wizard of Fenario [BP 2:144], [BP 2:182]
- Sandy -- A guard on Greenaere [Phx 3:166]
- Sara -- An Issola Minstrel who helped Vlad Taltos [Ath FM:1], [Ath 7:79]
- Savn -- A Teckla youth from Smallcliff who helped Vlad and killed Loraan [Ath FM:1], [Ath 1:1]
- Saynac -- A Dragon subaltern in Kâna's army who was fond of Roaana [PoD 28:189]
- Scaanil -- Art collector, fan of work by Nescaffi [Hwk 4]
- Seawall -- A Tsalmoth noble of the 4th cycle who first aided, them opposed Lanya [TPG 31:183]
- Seb -- A Teckla messenger [FHA 1:1], [FHA 1:5]
- Segure -- A member of the Phoenix Guard under Khaavren after the Interregnum [SL 93:66]
- Sellish -- A Jhereg who worked for Kragar in Vlad's old territory [Hwk 8]
- Sennya -- The Dzur Heir, mother of Ibronka [PoD 14:7]
- Seodra -- An Athyra who ploted with Lytra against Kathana e'Marish'Chala [TPG 13:3]
- Sergeant -- A Dragon of the e'Terics line, in the Phoenix Guard under Khaavren [FHA 10:20]
- Sergeant the Younger -- Son of Sergeant, also a member of the Phoenix Guard, serving as an ensign [SL 72:106]
- Sescitra -- A 14th Cycle Iorich advocate who wrote a protest to Valenda II on behalf of House Hawk [Lyn 14]
- Sethra Lavode -- The Enchantress of Dzur Mountain [Jrg 3:5], [Jrg 7:23]
- Sethra the Younger -- A female Dragonlord, and the apprentice of Sethra Lavode [Jrg 11:14]
- Sevaana -- A lord with estates near Northport [Orc 11:105]
- Shalebrook -- A Tiassa Baroness in the Kanefthali region, sister of Roaanac [PoD 15:74]
- Shalicar -- A Tiassa, brother of Malypon, husband of Norissa [PoD 15:75]
- Shaltre -- A Lyorn who usurped the Duchy of Arylle [TPG 3:55]
- Shandy - A young man who worked for the Merchants' Guild in Burz [Jhg 5:158], [Jhg 6:46]
- Shandy (Outcast) - An historic Dragon outcast male, one of the companions of Dolivar [Val ?]
- Shant -- A Dzurlord who is the life-partner of Lewchin, an Issola [PoD 8:2]
- Sheen -- A Pirate captain during The Interregnum who operated out of Ioclev in Mermaid Cove [BMV 25]
- Sheila -- An Easterner female who liked to sing, and dated Vlad Taltos briefly [Tlt 12:57]
- Shellar -- A Dzur noble, Baron of Alban, father of Shant, kinsman of Sennya [PoD 22:60]
- Shenta e'Terics -- A Dragonlord who was Warlord during the sixteenth cycle [FHA 34:12]
- Sheryl -- An Easterner who was a member of Kelly's Movement [Tek 1:148]
- Shetwil -- A Dzurlord poet, and writer of the preface to at least one Paarfi novel. [BMV FM]
- Shim -- Proprietor of a drinking establishment frequented by Kosadr [Tia 10]
- Shireth -- Lady Shireth Sorceress of the Left Hand who was involved in a hishi deal with Fisher [Tsl 7]
- Shirip -- A female ensign in the Phoenix Guard who demanded crisp reports from subordinates [Tia 12]
- Shoe -- An elderly Teckla living in Smallcliff who had mastered making cheese [Ath 1:6]
- Shoen -- A Jhereg who once worked for Vlad Taltos [Yen 5:61]
- Sholandir -- An ancient Athyra Elder Sorcerer who helped Zerika the First create the Orb [BMV 10]
- Shortisle -- An Orca who was Minister of Finance [Orc 8:169]
- Snowy -- One of Caola group of Left Hand sorceresses. [Lyn 5]
- Sicoris II -- Hawklord Empress of the 13th Cycle [Lyn 8]
- Shribal -- A Jhereg who wanted to kill Vlad [Tia 9]
- Sindra -- Author of a modern musical adaptation of Song of the Presses for the Ravenwing Players [Lyn FM]
- Sireng -- A cat, the familiar of Brimford [PoD 22:100]
- Skifra - An elderly Issola who served as seneschal for Morrolan at Castle Black [Irch 1:69]
- Slee -- A Teckla girl who lived in Smallcliff [Ath 9:16]
- Smaller -- The Intendant of Finance under Tortaalik, was later murdered [FHA 4:38]
- Smiley -- A Jhereg enforcer who worked for Vlad Taltos [Yen 6:51]
- Smith -- A Teckla blacksmith living in the Duchy of Arylle before the Interregnum [FHA 9:35]
- Soffta -- A Count. The Jhereg representative to the Empire [Phx 9:60], [Phx 9:75]
- Softrock -- A Duke who once fought against Sethra the Younger [PoD 19:30]
- Sojin -- A Hawklord who worked in the Department of Magical History at Pamlar University, a friend of Tuppi [Tsl 2]
- Soori-Laino-Kri -- Emperor of the third Athyra reign [TPG 31:152]
- Sorceress in Green -- A powerful, manipulative, Yendi sorceress [Jrg 11:14]
- Sorenet -- A shipbuilder in Northport [Orc 10:49]
- Sorivith -- A broker who traded in Verra's Tears who worked out of a boarding house in Little Deathgate [Tsl 9]
- Sourwood -- One of the most barbaric of the pirates from Elde Island [BMV 7]
- Sparker -- A Jhereg who invested in the Ravenwing Players production of Song of the Presses [Lyn 1]
- Speaker -- A Teckla who was the leader of the village council of Smallcliff [Ath 2:94]
- Spindly -- A member of the Ravenwing Players who worked as a choreographer [Lyn 11]
- Splitter -- A Jhereg who worked for Kragar [Lyn 11]
- Srahi -- A Teckla woman who was a servant to Khaavren [TPG 7:8]
- S'rik'ki'ka -- A demon who made a bargain with Eremit early in The Interregnum [BMV 19]
- Stagwood -- A Tsalmoth, former member of the Porker Poker Society [PoD 8:1]
- Steward -- A steward to Aerich [FHA 9:15]
- Steven Brust -- A translator of works by Paarfi [TPG BM:135]
- Sticks -- A Jhereg enforcer who worked for Vlad Taltos [Yen 11:35]
- Stonecutter -- A solider in the forces of Kâna under Tsanaali [LCB 44:15]
- Stonemover -- Captain of the White Sash Battalion during Tortaalik's reign [FHA 5:3]
- Stony -- A Jhereg boss in Northport [Orc 3:134], [Orc 3:143]
- Sudi -- An officer in the forces of Adron e'Kieron stationed at Redface [TPG 30:324]
- Sudora - An Iorich, Countess of Wetrock, mother of Eremit[BMV 1]
- Suivo -- An author of works on sorcery [LCB 65:32]
- Sullen -- A woman who lived in Smallcliff [Ath 1:62]
- Summer -- A Baroness who collected and published stories from the Kanefthali Mountains [FHA 27:18]
- Lord Summer -- A court functionary involved with arranging audiences with the Empress [Tia 9]
- Summers -- A 14th Cycle Tiassa speaker who publicly criticized the actions of Valenda II [Lyn 14]
- Surill -- A woman who leads Morrolan's Circle of Witches [Iss 1:214]
- Sustorr -- A lord who once tried to get a loan from Northport Private Services Bank [Orc 8:249]
- Suura -- Commander of one of Kâna's armies [LCB 39:20]
- Suzil -- Handmaid of Livosha, killed during an attack upon their home [BMV 4]
- Baron of Sycamore -- Warlord to the sixteenth Issola Emperor [TPG 32]
- Symik -- A Chreotha who was a casual lover of Bereth [Tsl 1]
- Synna IV -- Empress in the 11th Chreotha Reign [PoD 14:1]
- Szandi -- An Easterner who once dated Vlad Taltos [Tlt 1:10]
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- Taalini the Three-Fisted -- A Lord who was wounded on the Pepperfields in the 14th cycle [TPG 29:8]
- Taasra -- A brigadier serving under Berigner [SL 94:9]
- Taavith -- Aka "Flatsones" an upper-tier Jhereg boss who worked for Krasno but previously for Terion [Hwk 8]
- Tahchay Loiosh -- Scribe of Count Saekeresh of Fenario, near Burz [Jhg 6:112]
- Taedra -- A Lyorn historian who wrote about the 14th cycle [FHA 8:32]
- Tagichatn -- A Jhereg who was Vlad Taltos' boss for a brief time [Yen 2:5]
- Tamas -- A male Easterner living in Blackchapel [PoD 6:27]
- Tanglebones -- Presumably their nickname, an enforcer who worked for Vlad Taltos around the time of his wedding [Tsl 9]
- Tapman -- A prince from antiquity who was a renowned philosopher [FHA 22:154]
- Tarn -- A Jhereg who ran one of Vlad Taltos's businesses [Yen 4:137]
- Taro the Wise -- An author of aphorisms [TPG 18:46]
- Tavissa -- A Lady who was formerly the Tsalmoth Heir but was set up by Chervik and later joined the Left Hand [Tsl 12]
- Tazendra -- A Dzurlord, Baroness of Daavya, friend of Khaavren, Pel and Aerich, later a Lavode [TPG 1:9], [TPG 1:73]
- Teldra -- An Issola who served as seneschal to Morrolan e'Drien [Jrg 7:9]
- Tem -- A Teckla who was part of Pel's information network. [PoD 28:82]
- Tem of Smallcliff -- A Teckla innkeeper in Smallcliff [Ath 1:5], [Ath 3:1]
- Temek -- A Jhereg enforcer and sorcerer who worked for Vlad Taltos [Yen 2:107], [Yen 2:120]
- Temping -- A commander at the battle of Plowman's Bridge in the 8th cycle [Orc 7:162]
- Terez -- Wife of old King Janos in Fenario [BP 2:155]
- Terics e'Marish'Chala -- Powerful Dragonlord who once aided Sethra Lavode [FHA 8:31]
- Terion -- A Jhereg Council member [Jrg 4:85], [Yen 5:139]
- Tereza - A prostitute in the town of Burz [Jhg 3:15]
- Tersa of Haynels -- A lady who is a famed philosopher of antiquity Dragaera [FHA 22:154]
- Tessie -- A Jhereg who worked for Vlad, experienced in running brothels [Tia 5]
- Tethia -- A female Vallista who constructed 'experimental' buildings in and around Adrilankha [Hwk 14]
- Tevitt -- A Dzurlord, man-at-arms for Loraan [Ath 8:143]
- Tevna -- A Tiassa and Pyrologist [PoD 25:44]
- Tevyar -- A Jhereg who worked as an enforcer for Vlad Taltos Dragaera [Phx 7:79]
- Thack -- A member of the Phoenix Guard Dragaera [TPG 31:241]
- Thalick -- A Lyorn. First Lady of Arms for Prince Yeselik, Lyorn Heir. [Lyn 3]
- Thea -- A female witch, part of Morrolan's Circle of Witches [LCB 58:81]
- Theen -- A Jhegaala brigand [FHA 32:142]
- Thoddi -- A singer in Aibynn's ensemble [Phx 11:93]
- Thong -- A bandit in Wadre's Band [LCB 43:9]
- Thrace -- An Athyra wizard who helped perfect teleportation [LCB 57:89]
- Threader -- A Teckla who was a linen seller in Smallcliff [Ath 2:5]
- Three-Dice -- Proprietor of a pawn shop on Garshos street in Adrilankha [Tsl 5]
- Tibbs -- A Dragonlord who was a member of Cropper Company [Drg 8:118]
- Tibrock -- A leader in the Five-Hour Uprising [FHA 31:6]
- Tigarrae -- An Athyra from Plainview reputed to have invented teleportation [FHA 34:11]
- Tigra -- A Jhereg in Candletown who ran a protection scheme at the Meethra Market with the aid of Kefaan [BMV 11]
- Tiev -- A Jhereg assassin who worked for Rolaan [Tlt 10:35]
- Tif -- A female Teckla living in Smallcliff [Ath 13:137]
- Tikara -- A woman whose acquittal on murder charges supported by interrogating a ghost established an important legal precedent [BMV 7]
- Timmer -- Ensign in the Phoenix Guard, and a member of the Special Tasks Group [Orc 5:200], [Orc 6:2]
- Tinaan -- An historic Duke who lived during the reign of Korotta VI[Phx 11:183]
- Tinsplitter -- A Jhereg who worked as muscle for Kragar [Lyn 3]
- Tip -- An Orca youth living in Northport [Orc 5:10], [Orc 5:52]
- Tippy -- An ostentatious Jhereg moneylender in Adrilankha [Hwk 5:3]
- Tiscara - An Iorich, father of Livosha and Kefaan[BMV 1]
- Tiska -- Emperor during the thirteenth Lyorn reign [FHA 8:33]
- Tiss -- One of the Ravenwing Players in charge of set construction. [Lyn 3]
- Tividar the Renewer -- A historic king of Fenario, father of Jani [BP I8:1]
- Tivisa - An historic Dragon outcast, one of the followers of Dolivar [Val ?]
- Tivor -- A member of the Phoenix Guard[FHA 12:33]
- Tiwall -- A Hawklord who was Heir during the Interregnum [SL 69:2]
- Tóbiás -- A palace guard in Fenario [BP 8:33]
- Toknasa - An historic Lyorn, a descendant of one of Vlad's prior incarnations [Val 6]
- Tokni - An historic Lyorn, wife of one of Vlad's prior incarnations [Val 6]
- Tomas -- An Easterner in the music business in Adrilankha [Phx 7:61]
- Tonchin -- Commander of the southwestern armies of Kâna [LCB 39:92]
- Topo -- A street vendor who sold fried fish from a food cart on Garshos Street [Tsl 6]
- Tor -- A Jhereg who ran one of Vlad Taltos businesses [Tlt 1:18]
- Toronnan -- A Jhereg boss who was Vlad Taltos' direct superior [Yen 2:4], [Yen 2:27]
- Tortaalik -- Emperor during the 18th Phoenix reign [TPG 1:3], [TPG 21:1]
- Torturi -- A poet whose verse is clever and shallow [Tek 3:43]
- Toller -- A Tsalmoth who published Rutter's Rag in Northport [Orc 5:90]
- Tovin -- A member of the Ravenwing Players who Vlad Taltos replaced, briefly, one one of their performances [Lyn 12]
- Traanier -- Author whose scholarly works included Court Dress Before the Interregnum [FHA 6:13]
- Traanzo -- An Iorich Duke (and later Prince) whose family had established The Burning Island and sold its services to other nobles [BMV 7]
- Traanzo the Elder -- Father of the younger Traanzo who passed the secret of The Burning Island to his offspring on his deathbed [BMV 7]
- Treffa -- The mistress of Raiet who betrayed him for money [Tlt 16:27]
- Tremmel of Brock -- A clever author [PoD 12:3]
- Tri'nagore -- A god, formerly one of the Lords of Judgment [PoD 18:12]
- Trice -- An Orca, captain of the Chorba's Pride [Phx 2:4]
- Trichon -- A treacherous Warlord during the 4th Iorich reign [FHA 8:31]
- Triesco -- A sorceress in the Left Hand of the Jhereg, Mistress of Terion [Dzr ?]
- Trigaar -- An Athyra marquis who proved the efficacy of sorcerous ability in aid of Psychic communication [SL 88:34]
- Triharunna Nagoray - One of the gods
- Trim -- Proprietor of the Riversend Inn in Northport [Orc 5:263], [Orc 6:88]
- Troe -- Engineer who built the Bengloarafurd Bridge [TPG 22:12]
- Tropyr -- Athyra Heir during the 18th Phoenix reign [FHA 1:103]
- Tross -- Leader of the Calivor pikemen [FHA 30:6]
- Trotter -- A Jhereg enforcer for Vlad Taltos [Tia 2]
- Trout -- The rain god, and one of the Lords of Judgment [Jrg 2:68], [PoD 18:12]
- Tsanaali -- A lieutenant under Kâna [LCB 42:159]
- Tsedik -- Owner of a small restaurant in Adrilankha [Yen 13:25]
- Tserchi -- Owner of an Eastern restaurant in Adrilankha [Drg 3:43]
- Tsika -- A Dressmaker in Yisten [BMV 21]
- Tsira -- A norska trapper, sister of Grassfog [SL 79:217], [SL 90:47]
- Tuaral -- A Dzurlord, uncle of Tazendra who gave her a certain amulet [TPG 1:11]
- Tuci -- Member of the Red Boot Company of the Phoenix Guard [TPG 10:15]
- Tudin of Threehills -- Cabinet maker, renowned for making extremely secure locks [Hwk 4]
- Tuk -- A Teckla living in Smallcliff, apprentice to Hider [Ath 3:45]
- Tukko -- An elderly servant of Sethra Lavode [Tlt 3:73], [Tlt 7:9], [Iss 1:256]
- Tukko the Jhereg -- The proprietor of the Hammerhead Inn [TPG 7:23]
- Tullis -- A Dzur who has an encounter with a Lyorn Pfe
- Tummelis e'Terics -- A Dragonlord, and member of the Phoenix Guard [FHA 1:6]
- Tuorli -- An historic female poet [TPG 16:1]
- Tuppi -- See Kassier [Tsl 2]
- Turi -- A servant of Loraan [Ath 15:217]
- Turmoli -- A banker who invested in Fyres businesses [Orc 12:24]
- Turningham -- Proprietor of a bookstore in Adrilankha [Drg 5:59]
- Turod -- A Jhereg who lived in Northport during The Interregnum and dealt with pirates [BMV 23]
- Turvin -- A member of Adron e'Kieron's Breath of Fire Battalion [FHA 10:55]
- Tuvin -- A Baroness who fought with a one-handed axe at the Battle of Rounded Bluff [BMV 17]
- Tuvin -- Company Commander in Morrolan's army during Battle of Baritt's Tomb and a member of the Guard at Castle Black [Drg 15:83]
- Tuvo -- An older male Lavode [FHA 30:81]
- Twinoaks -- A duke who fought against Kliburr in the Carriage House Uprising [TPG 19:46]
- Tymbrii -- A shop owner in Adrilankha who acted as a cover for a sorceress of The Left Hand of the Jhereg [Irch 14:5], [Irch 14:71]
- Tynn -- A Dzurlord, Cousin of Tazendra, wounded at the Battle of Fautonswell [TPG 19:70]
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- Ucerics -- Uncle of Daymar who created the Wand of Ucerics [Hwk 13]
- Udaar -- An advisor and diplomatist for Kâna [LCB 52:22]
- Uliron -- A guard who worked for Morrolan e'Drien [Jrg 11:92]
- Undauntra -- Very famous early Empress [Orc 1:51]
- Undira - A sorceress who made certain discoveries into the properties of sealstone. [BMV 1]
- Uilliv -- Member of the White Sash Company of the Phoenix Guard [TPG 9:90]
- Ustav of Leramont -- A noted traveller, one of the first Dragaerans to visit Blackchapel [PoD 1:8]
- Ustora -- An enforcer who worked for Vlad Taltos around the time of his wedding [Tsl 9]
- Uttrik e'Lanya -- A Dragonlord, friend of Khaavren, father of Kytraan [TPG 18:53], [TPG 18:63]
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- Vaari -- A linguist whose work was referenced by Paarfi of Roundwood [FHA FM:5]
- Vaasci -- A Jhereg who tried to move into South Adrilankha [Dzr 12:90], [Dzr 12:132]
- Valenda II -- Lyorn Emperor of the 14th Cycle. His attempt to suppress 'Last Man Printing' led to his downfall. [Lyn 1]
- Valimer -- A famous actor at the Orb Theater [PoD FM:10]
- Varg -- A former employee of Vlad Taltos [Yen 2:107]
- Vaski - A free farmer near the town of Burz [Jhg 4:39]
- Veck - A geologist who once discovered deposits of sealstone within the County of Wetrock [BMV 1]
- Velsigor -- An historian who contends it is impossible to be truly impartial [Lyn 1]
- Venchel -- Venchel Saabo, father of Yanosh, Foolop and Chilla, distant relative of Vlad in Burz [Jhg 15:43], [Jhg 15:99]
- Vendel -- A former king of Fenario, great-grandfather of both László and Viktor [BP 8:251]
- Vengli the Vicious -- An extremely tyrannical historic Emperor [TPG 21:9]
- Vernoi -- A Phoenix, courtier to Tortaalik, father of Zerika [Tlt 14:34], [FHA 21:189]
- Verra -- A goddess, one of the Lords of Judgment, mother of Aliera e'Kieron [Jrg FM:11] [Tlt 14:63]
- Veshika -- An Athyra Sorceress during the 6th cycle who perfected spells of levitation [BMV 25]
- Veska - A cook who worked for Tiscara and Cerwin during the seventeenth Athyra reign [BMV 1]
- Ven - An historic Jhereg who was an enforcer for one of Vlad's prior incarnations [Val 6]
- Veodric Saekeresh - A Fenerian nobleman, Lord of the county in which Burz is located [Jhg 3:133]
- Viasyl -- A friend of Genpahala of Mermaid Cove [BMV 36]
- Viborra e'Lanya -- A Dragonlord accused of treason during the 14th Dzur Reign, defended by Duwani [Lyn 10]
- Vik -- A Tsalmoth woman. One of the Ravenwing Players involved in set construction. [Lyn 3]
- Viktor -- Captain of the Palace Guard in Fenario [BP 2:95]
- Vile -- An unfortunately named Baron, author of the The Clothes Unmake the Emperor [FHA 6:14]
- Vili -- An Easterner, Maître d' at Valabar's [Dzr FM:1]
- Vilmos -- Prince of Fenario, brother of László, Andor and Miklós [BP 2:5]
- Vilmoth -- Vilmoth Merss, relative of Vlad Taltos' mother who lived in Fenario near Burz [Jhg 4:90]
- Villsni of Cobbletown -- Playwright, author of The Return of Duke Highwater [TPG 25:1]
- Vilnai -- Lady Vilnai, a Lyorn who proved a valuable source of information for Palaniss [Tia 15]
- Vincent -- An Easterner in South Adrilankha member of the Jhereg Irregulars [Dzr 11:42]
- Vintner -- A Lyorn in the court of Tortaalik [FHA 10:16]
- Viodonna VI -- Emperor of the seventeenth Jhegaala Reign [TPG 4:34]
- Virt e'Terics -- A female Dragonlord who was a member of Cropper Company [Drg 8:52]
- Vithraw -- A person who commented to Drusk on the matter of a broken bottle [BMV 14]
- Vlad Norathar -- An Easterner child, son of Vlad Taltos and Cawti [Orc BM:6], [Irch I:10]
- Vlad Taltos -- An Easterner, Jhereg, witch and former assassin; Count Szurke [Jrg FM:1], [Jrg FM:16]
- Vokra -- A former member of the Kinship of the Mask who escorted Eremit to The Burning Island [BMV 27]
- Vonnith -- An Orca conspirator and banker [Orc 8:152], [Orc 9:20]
- Vrei -- An instructor of Paarfi of Roundwood [TPG FM:1]
- V'rono -- An art critic who killed, and was killed by, the poet Barracsk in a duel [TPG 27:6]
- Vrudric e'Lanya -- A Dragonlord who once disparaged Adron e'Kieron [Iss 9:70]
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- Wadre -- Leader of a group of highwaymen [PoD 16:77], [PoD 16:87]
- Waitman -- A historic military leader who won an Imperial Title for his Stand at Spinning Lake [Orc 10:59]
- Warder -- Game warden for Aerich before the Interregnum [FHA 9:39]
- Waterford -- T. Waterford Author of The Chowder Wars a fanciful tale of a village dispute involving the preparation of seafood [BMV 15]
- Waxen -- An Athyra physicker [FHA 22:220]
- Waymin - A Teckla, lackey to Nessit[BMV 1]
- Weer -- A lord who trained chreotha [FHA 6:22]
- Wellborn -- An Athyra who was the Discreet of Tortaalik for much of his reign [TPG 21:6]
- Welok the Blade -- A Jhereg boss who employed Vlad Taltos [Yen 2:1]
- Wensil -- An Issola, the proprietor of the Silver Shadow [FHA 19:53]
- Westbreeze -- A count who held entertainments in Dragaera City prior to the Interregnum [FHA 4:32]
- Whitecrest -- Countess of Whitecrest, mother of Daro [FHA 21:156]
- Whitemill -- A Baron who owned slaughterhouses in Dragaera City[FHA 5:4]
- Wicker -- A Teckla craftsman in Smallcliff [Ath 2:103]
- Widner -- A Jhereg who was keeping an eye on Brinea's group of revolutionaries [Irch 11:197]
- Windhome -- An advisor to Tortaalik [TPG 21:48]
- Wint -- A poet who writes obscure verse [Tek 3:43]
- Wirev -- A Tiassa who discovered an unusual type of river oyster during the Sixth Cycle [BMV 5]
- Wistrop -- A male lierary critic who praised the work of Landza [Lyn I11]
- Wosca -- A large Dragonlord who served for a time as a guard on The Burning Island [BMV 17]
- Wrenchilde -- An author of works written to be performed, of the romantic school [FHA 18:1]
- Wunra -- A Marchioness, commander of the Home Guard of Kâna [LCB 39:30]
- Wyder -- A male Dargonlord who served in the Phoenix Guard [Tia 8]
- Wynak - One of the gods who resembles a burning stick [Iss 15:29], [Irch 3:113]
- Wyndra -- An Iorich advocate who successfully defended Tikara on a murder prosecution that used testimony from a ghost [BMV 7]
- Wyrn -- A Jhereg enforcer who betrayed Vlad Taltos [Yen 3:77], [Yen 3:110]
- Wyth -- A Dzurlord, a friend of Uttrik [TPG 18:75]
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- Yain Cho Lin -- Eastern poet-seer who commented on reincarnation [Tek 11:77]
- Yanis -- An Orca, son of Berwick who helped him betray Eremit and Livosha's families [BMV 5]
- Yanosh -- Yanosh Saabo, distant relative of Vlad Taltos who worked in the Paper Mill in Burz [Jhg 15:31]
- Yaro e'Lanya -- Dragonlord who died at the Charge of the Brown River late in the 17th cycle [TPG 4:34]
- Yebro -- A respected author on sorcery [SL 84:10]
- Yenth -- A Jhereg living in Adrilankha, worked as Kragar's secretary [Irch 7:140]
- Yerekim -- A Jhereg assassin who killed Franz [Tek 2:19]
- Yeselik -- Lyorn Heir during the reign of Zerika the Fourth. [Lyn 3]
- Yestac -- A mid-level Jhereg who worked for Taavith [Hwk 8?]
- Yini -- Maid of Jenicor e'Terics Dragaera [TPG 16:1]
- Yinta -- An Orca sailor on the Chorba's Pride [Phx 2:4], [Phx 2:22]
- Yngra -- Ancestor of Grassfog and Tsira who lived near Round Mountain in the tenth Issola reign [SL 90:89]
- Yogsyp -- Lord Yogsyp, a well-known commentator on discourse [BMV 7]
- Yon -- The chief tutor of Tortaalik during his childhood [TPG 21:2]
- Yulio -- Proprietor of a witchcraft supply store in Burz. [Jhg 2:73], [Jhg 5:124]
- Yurrota -- A Lady whose murder caused much commotion in the Imperial Court [TPG 14:84]
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- Lord Zhayin -- A Vallista who constructed Precipice Manor [Val 2]
- Zerik II -- Historic Phoenix emperor
- Zerika the First -- Phoenix who created the Orb and helped found the Empire, first Empress [TPG 2:41]
- Zerika the Fourth -- Phoenix Empress who recovered the Orb from the Paths of the Dead [Jrg 7:4], [Phx 11:83]
- Zerika the Second -- Phoenix Empress of the second cycle [TPG 3:37]
- Zerran -- With Bolis, a book publisher in Adrilankha [PoD FM:8]
- Ziver the Tall -- A Dragonlord who fought a valiant last stand on the Pepperfields during the 11th cycle [TPG 29:7]
- Zollie - Coachman for Count Saekeresh in Burz [Jhg 3:47]
- Zungaron -- aka Telnan, a Dzurlord, bearer of the Great Weapon Nightslayer and a Lavode-in-training [Dzr FM:24]
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